IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks

IELTS Writing Tips
IELTS Writing Tips

IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks

Nowadays the internet is flooded by tips and tricks for every module of IELTS and many of them are contradict from each other by reading them often students get confused. They can’t understand that which tip they should follow specially for the writing module. Writing is the toughest module of the test so students always try to find tricks to get good scores in it. So today we are here with some IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks which are easy to understand and implement.


Well Structured writing tasks are very important if you want to score good scores in IELTS Writing. Here is an ideal structure which will make your task impressive.  

Introduction – In this paragraph you should introduce the topic. This paragraph should contain Thesis statement and outline statement.  

Body Paragraphs 1 and 2 – In these paragraphs you should write your views and ideas. You should elaborate and explain your ideas with relevant supporting points and examples. You should write one paragraph to elaborate and explain one idea. While moving from one paragraph to another you should make connection between them.

Conclusion – The last paragraph is the conclusion where you should give your opinion about the topic by reviewing the points you mentioned above.

Understand the question

Before you start writing you should first read the question carefully and understand it. If you will understand the demand of the question then only you will be able to write the answer accurately. Identify the question type as your answer accordingly like if the question is asking for a solution or an opinion? Are you supposed to criticize the argument or back it up? Identifying this is half the job, and it will take you a long way in your essay writing. 


As soon as you understand the question ample of ideas will start coming in your mind. Note all of them on the sheet once your mind gets free from the ideas just have a glance on the written views. Choose two or three unique ideas that you can easily elaborate and explain. Write the separately and then make a map that which idea will you write first and the second. Make sure that you don’t take more than 5 minutes in the process. The benefit of mapping is that you can write more accurately and in an organized manner. This also saves your time as you don’t stop in between to rethink that what you should write after this.  

Extra Tips

Use formal language 

In IELTS writing you should use only formal language only in General IELTS writing Task 1 you can use informal language only if it’s demanded. In other tasks if you use informal words, slangs or abbreviations than your scores will be deducted. Write full, grammatically sound sentence in a formal tone, avoid 1st and 2nd pronouns like I, you, your etc.

Avoid repetition and embrace punctuation 

Use variety of vocabulary and synonyms so that the same words are not repeated too much. Lexical resource is one of the 4 criteria that the IELTS uses to grade your essay and if you repeat the words again and again your scores will be deducted for violating these criteria. You should also use variety of grammar structures and correct use of punctuation, spelling accuracy, word formation, and range of vocabulary.

Complete all your tasks 

Seriously, there is no elaboration required for this one. Completing all your tasks is crucial and removes chances of penalization on these grounds. 

More does not mean better 

Do not digress or ramble on. Stick to the main points, be focused and stay relevant in your writing

Thank You 🙂


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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