Important Strategies for IELTS Speaking

Important Strategies for IELTS Speaking
Important Strategies for IELTS Speaking

Important Strategies for IELTS Speaking

Try to give the answer in more than one line, as its advisable to expand your answer.  The examiner wants to see your range of vocabulary and how much you can speak on that topic.

Lack of understanding of question:

Do not hesitate to ask the question again. You can always ask them to repeat the question. One can clarify things if not understood. It is a well-known communication strategy. It would not cause any loss of marks. It would help to score as one will understand the question and exactly answer to the point.

Statements you can use in case you didn’t understood the question:

Could you please repeat the question?

Sorry! pardon your question

Could you rephrase your question?

Think before you speak:

As the saying goes, “think twice before you speak”. The same applies to this field. If you are confused about the answer one can use, ‘that’s a tricky/interesting question”, “I have not heard about it”, such things will give extra time to think. Silence can also be a weapon, which is proven to be an efficient killer to the given query.

Articulating thoughts can be time consuming but it is recommended to do so. It can help one speak fluently and coherently.

Example: What is your favoriteroom in the house?

My favorite room in the house? Let me see…..

Answers should look natural. Never recite the answers as if you have learnt it by heart. The examiner is a well-learned teacher and equipped enough. He can tell by your speed and body language that whetheryour answer is memorized orspontaneous. Learning full scripts from previous sample question papers is not worthy. It is better to learn separate words, other collocations and include them while practicing for the test.

Express your opinions with emotions:

Expressions are very important. Speak with emotions. One should speak to express and not to impress. Your expression should justify your words for example if you are talking about trip or your Birthday party there should excitement in your tone and expression.The words must have the same feel as one speaks in their native language. The opinion must also be put forth. The main purpose is to assess abilities on the basis of communication. So, having an opinion and also able to justify is the main purpose. Both emotion and opinion must go hand-in-hand.


If you make a mistake, remember don’t get panic. It will only make your situation worse.It is advisable to stay calm and continue your answer. If self-correction is possible, you can correct them smoothly or continue speaking. One will not lose marks for a few mistakes.

The first impression:

Though it is not very important but it can go on a long run. One should look good, smell good and feel good. It’s essential to stay calm and relaxed as its helps to think and create ideas. Being confident and having a smile is always a add on.

Record and practice sample:

The topics are usually common such as education or daily life circumstances. If sample paper is practiced it can be assisted to learn vocabulary and grammar. The more you will practice the better you will get with your speaking.

Be honest:

“Honesty is the best policy” is very much relevant in this scenario. Usually the questions asked are based on real life experience. So, its easier to answer a question from your personal experience rather than thinking. Nobody will judge you on your content.The way say and express only that will help you get your score.

Be coherent:

Being coherent means speaking in a logical manner. There should be a consistent. relationship between the parts.Basically, coherence means organizing your ideas. Usage of linking words and structures would enhance the speech.

Thank You 🙂


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