Ideas and examples that can improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2 essay

improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2
improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2

Ideas and examples that can improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2 essay

Scores in IELTS Writing task 2 depends on its structure, vocabulary, views or arguments, sentence structure and on examples. Among these facts choosing few best and impressive arguments from many is always intense mental work. To meet the deadline to complete the task you need to think and sort the arguments quickly. The best way to perform this exercise is to train your brain by reading as many as Writing Task 2 topics on the Internet as possible and make plans for those topics. So, now we will discuss about Ideas and examples that can improve your score in IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.

Which idea to choose

When you get the question paper in your hand and read the statement several ideas and points relating to the topic start coming in your mind. Note most of them on a paper and analyze which point you can elaborate in an impressive way. Than stuck off the inappropriate ideas and only keep the appropriate views and start explaining them. Mind mapping plays an important role in choosing an appropriate idea.

How to enhance your ideas

If you think that you are lacking of ideas than try to full your treasure by reading various newspapers, magazines and sample answers. Internet can help you a lot in this as on web there are several articles and written content that can not only enhance your ideas but can also increase your vocabulary.

Talking about the examples in the essay.

Which examples to choose?

Well this is a tricky question as the example changes according to the topic and content. But there are some common factors for all topics first of all it should be general and logical according to the situation, and you should give example without specifying specific countries, cities, people, schools, teachers, companies and other things.

Sometime, when you are not familiar enough with the topic finding the right and accurate examples can be difficult. To tackle with this problem, it is recommended to read sample essays on topics that seem difficult or unfamiliar to you.

Examples from life

There is misconception among aspirants that examples related to your real life should be given in the exam. If you also think the same than please tell me which example will you give if the topic in the exam asks you about astronauts or space? So, you must show at least general erudition.

The best way is to use general examples. Like on the topic about exploration of outer space, take examples of what are the advantages and disadvantages of visiting and exploring the space. You can give examples of satellites for weather forecasting.

If you are not much familiar with the topic just give the logical and topic related examples.

How many examples to take?

According to me you should give two examples for each body paragraph. If you give only one example your paragraph will become short so one example is not enough. Now the thing to remember is you will require more time to explain two examples and you will have only forty minutes to complete the task.

This is why two examples are usually sufficient. But these should be weighty, vivid and concrete examples that support your point of view.

If the examples can’t be found

Well this situation should not arise and if you find yourself in this situation that means you are not well prepared for the exam and just wasting your time and money. You should read content published on paper and electronic media. This will give you great ideas for content and examples.

 Thank You 🙂


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