Tips to improve your speaking skills for IELTS Speaking

improve your speaking skills
improve your speaking skills

Tips to improve your speaking skills for IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking test is one to one interview with the examiner which goes for 12-15 minutes. Exam is divided in three parts

  1. Introduction
  2. Cue Card
  3. Follow ups

The examiner will ask different questions related to you in the introduction part. In the cue card section you will be given a topic and a preparation time of 1 minute and you have to speak for 2 minutes on the topic. In the third part i.e. follow ups some questions related to cue card will be asked.

There are four key assessment criteria for IELTS Speaking:

  1. Fluency & Coherence (FC)
  2. Lexical Resource (LR)
  3. Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA)
  4. Pronunciation (P)

Each of the above said carries 25% of your total score in speaking. Now the question is how to master these skills to get your desired band scores. So in today’s article we will discuss Tips to improve your speaking skills for IELTS Speaking.

Practice preparing notes in one minute

The one minute time you will get to prepare notes before you begin speaking the cue card. You should utilize this one minute in a proper way so that you can answer the given topic in a proper way. Here is the subsequent technique to practice:

Underline important words in each cue card

Write 2-3 keywords against the cue cards topic and every cue to make up that time.

Practice Speaking

Practice speaking for a minimum of 3-4 minutes at length. If you’ll think this can be easy, then you are thinking in a wrong way as it is quite a difficult task to speak up to a length. If you still think I am wrong than just pick a stopwatch and try to speak for 3 minutes you will find the difference of thinking and doing the same thing in practical.

Record what you said in the session and then hear it again to know your intonation and cohesiveness. You will know your actual level of your fluency and other errors.

Speak before of the Mirror

Practice speaking in front of the mirror as this will not only clear you about your facial expressions but also about the body language as these are also important in the IELTS Speaking exam.   

In the exam examiner not only listen to your answer but also note your facial expressions and body language because by this he can easily come to know about how much you are comfortable with the language. There’s a powerful reason why the IELTS exam isn’t virtual yet and also the reason, the examiner won’t only hear the words you say but also gauge your comfort with the language.

There is no doubt that everyone feels nervous in exam but you should know how to overcome the nervousness. Moreover, if you are confident in your skills than there is no space for nervousness and you will feel confident.  So, smile, breathe and speak as you mean it.

Find out all the recent questions for the speaking part.

Search the net to list out the year’s topics that students faced within the IELTS speaking test – Part 2. this can not only facilitate your anticipate but will facilitate your build a vocabulary round the topics.

For example, after you are asked to speak about your family, words like – parents, siblings, maternal grandfather, uncle, aunt, niece, and nephew should be an element of the list that you just make as a preparation for the test.

Hope this content will help you in scoring your desired scores in IELTS Speaking.

Thank You 🙂

improve your speaking skills


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

improve your speaking skills

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