Know 6 things that can make your IELTS Writing Task 2 (essay) impressive and Interesting.

Know 6 things that can make your IELTS Writing Task 2 (essay) impressive and Interesting.
Know 6 things that can make your IELTS Writing Task 2 (essay) impressive and Interesting.

Know 6 things that can make your IELTS Writing Task 2 (essay) impressive and Interesting.

What we call an impressive writing? Well this term is not only for IELTS but also for each and every content which is written in English and it is that the ideal English text should be clear, concise and easy to understand. It is normally seen that even the academic books of advanced level are written in plain English words. So always keep in mind especially in IELTS writing that you should write your sentences clear and well structured so that your readers should have no difficulty in reading and understanding the content.

Remember just for impressing the examiner don’t try to use complex sentence patterns as by this tact the examiner will not get much impressed. On the contrary the examiner can get frustrated and can deduct your marks. So don’t do experiments instead Know 6 things that can make your IELTS Writing Task 2 (essay) impressive and Interesting.

 Use simple language

Using simple language does not mean that you only write short, simple sentences. You should use a variety of sentence patterns – like some complex, some simple and some compound sentences. Just keep in mind that your sentences should not be too long but it should be impressive.

Use participle clauses, relative clauses, prepositional clauses, infinitive constructions and if-clauses as this will make your text interesting.

Keep subordinate clauses short

You should use participles and infinitives as they are helpful for shortening lengthy subordinate clauses but their number should be restricted to a maximum of three. It does not means that  can’t have more than three subordinate clauses in a sentence. You can certainly have, but the more number of clauses in a sentence, will enhance the complexity of the sentence. What’s more, when your sentences are extremely long, you are invariably going to make mistakes.

Prefer to use verbs instead of nouns. It is not always possible, but if it is then go for it. For example, instead of writing ‘The meaning of this is that…’, you can write ‘This means that …’

Active verb forms

Try to use active verb forms and avoid passive verb forms. I am not saying to completely eliminate passive forms from your writing: as on some occasions they are more appropriate than active forms. But as a general rule, your text should have more active verbs than passive ones.

Avoid slang and technical jargon

Slangs are used in general conversation but it should not be used while giving IELTS speaking test or for any formal or academic communication and in writing it is not at all acceptable.  You should also avoid technical jargon. These are words and expressions that only industry experts can understand and your piece of writing should be easy to read and understand.

Try to put the subject close to the beginning of a sentence. Of course, you can use introductory clauses, but keep them short.

Avoid mixing two or three main ideas in a paragraph and discussing just one main idea in one paragraph as this will make your paragraph more organized. Summarize this point in the first sentence. In the next few sentences support your main idea. The last sentence in a paragraph should act as a connector to the next paragraph so that when the reader moves forward he should know what the next paragraph is about.

Write short sentences

Short sentences are easy to construct and the chances of grammatical mistakes also decline so always try to avoid long sentences.

Practice, practice and practice

Keep practicing. Develop the habit of writing as this is the best way to enhance your writing skills.


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