Major mistakes in writing task 2

Major mistakes in writing task 2
Major mistakes in writing task 2

Major mistakes in writing task 2

Usually, writing is considered one of the difficult modules, as students have to do struggle to achieve higher scores especially when target scores is more than 7.0. So today, we will discuss some common Major mistakes in writing task 2 that can reduce your band scores.

1. Repetition of question keywords – sometimes, students just copy the question words and re write in their paraphrasing while writing introduction, which is quite unacceptable for the reader. That is why, firstly, try to change the words as much as you can. In the second way, try to change the sentence formation: for example, from active to passive. But don’t repeat the same words again and again, because it is an embodiment of weak vocabulary.

2. Usage of abbreviations and contractions – it is quite common to see, we use short forms in our daily life such as while texting even in speaking; however, in writing, we cannot use such kind of words, because it is formal. If you use, examiner will penalize you in the form of low scoring. All in all, leave this habit if you have.

3. Wrong word choice – lexical resource is one of the cardinal parameters of IELTS WRITING parameters, so usually applicants learn a lot of heavy words and try to use these in writing; nevertheless, if you don’t have enough knowledge about the appropriate usage, it will be accountable to weak your task clarity. That is why, whenever you read or learn any new word, actual knowledge plus righteous usage is quintessential.

4. Inappropriate utilization of punctuationsWithout any qualms, punctuations play an important role in IELTS writing. Learn how to use these as per need. Usually applicants forget to put full stops, commas, semicolon or colon either knowingly or unknowingly, which change the sense of the content. Apart from it, it is also worthwhile to make the compound sentences.

5. Silly errors – by dint of having exam pressure, students do plenty of mistakes, it is quite common. But there is need to resolve these. For that, save your time for proof reading at the end of writing. In last 3-4 minutes, read your content carefully in order to resolve each and every silly error such as spelling error, punctuations and so on.

6. Unorganized or irrelevant data – this is one of the major parts of task response. Sometimes, test givers start their essay in a relevant context, but while explaining, they go out of task, which can devastate your task response. To avoid such mistakes, plan your ideas before writing, and follow the planning as it ease. Moreover, follow the standard way of writing i.e.

1. Main idea

2. Explanation

3. Example

4. Result

7. Improper evidences – as we add the examples either on the basis of real life experiences or survey. So make sure, your example should be correct and relevant. One thing more, don’t use the learning words, as these are considered as empty words, which can disturb your word count and task response too. So learn the ways in order to add examples in a right way.

8.  New information in conclusionconclusion is generally referred as summary of the information. That is why, there is no need to add the new information in conclusion that is not exist in body paragraphs 1 and 2.


1. Give your five minutes to comprehend the topic

2. Plan ideas wisely

3. Follow the planning by avoiding new ideas while writing

4. Word limit should be 250-275 words

5. Proof reading

In hope this article would be favorable for avoiding your general errors, that is a major stumbling block for obtaining desirable scores.

Best of Luck!

Major mistakes in writing task 2


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Major mistakes in writing task 2

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