Make Improvements in Listening Module

Make Improvements in Listening Module
Make Improvements in Listening Module

Make Improvements in Listening Module

Enhance your listening skills

The listening task is given to the students to evaluate their listening abilities. Generally, students only focuses on the sample tests for practicing the listening but unfortunately it is not enough for getting appropriate band scores. The students should work on increasing the listening abilities by listening to radio channels, listening to interviews, documentaries and English songs.

This will help the students to become more spontaneous and active as with continuous practice of the test. It reduces the interest level of the students. These additional activities help the students to remain active and focused towards their goal of achieving desired scores in the listening test.

Make Improvements in Listening Module

By polishing the vocabulary

The student must have a detailed knowledge about the vocabulary basically in the third section generally the discussion takes places between the student and the tutor so students must have all the knowledge about the vocabulary of the university level. By glazing the vocabulary one can listen and understand complex and complicated words very easily. Vocabulary contributes a very important part in the IELTS Listening module as if the person don’t have the detailed knowledge about the vocabulary properly then they can lose the scores.

Make Improvements in Listening Module

Try to understand the situation in task

The student must try to understand the situation of the task before hand before starting of the intense conversation in the test it will help you to be prepared for the task. For getting it clearly one should be more attentive and they have to listen to the beginning of the task in a proper manner.

This will help the student to get the information regarding the task that who are basically the speakers, why they are speaking and where are they this will make an imaginary image in the mind of the students and it will help the student about understanding about the pending recording and it will give the rough blueprint in the mind of the student that what will the speakers talk about next.

Make Improvements in Listening Module

Try not loose attention

The students have to always keep in mind that they have to keep their mind on track as the attention is gone and they can miss out attempting number of answers. Students must have to keep in mind that they will hear the recording only once and they have to fully dedicate themselves towards the task.

If the student didn’t have hear some of the words clearly and accidently if they have missed out some questions there is no need to panic leave those questions blank as they are and work on those questions in the end and the students can review those pending questions in the last, if the students get panic the students can miss out other questions and get trapped in the recording.

Don’t be too fast in attempting questions

Most of the students commit a similar mistake as soon as they hear any related information about the topic then they go for answering the question very fast and most of the students fall into this trap of the examiner. Most of the times in the recordings the information is repeated and it is corrected further in the speaking but due to over excitement and trying to be more spontaneous student commit this silly mistake.

Make Improvements in Listening Module

Transfer the answers appropriately

After the completion of the listening task the students have 10 minutes to transfer the answers to the answer sheet and it quite often that students get confused in the numeration due to haste of completing the task on time. While the students transferring the answers they have to read the questions properly that whether the answer can fit into the numbered space properly and make sure if you are attempting question 25 then the answer 25 must fit into that space. In last the students wont loose marks for the incorrect answers so they should not leave any of the question blank they should must attempt all the questions in order to score good.

Make Improvements in Listening Module


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Make Improvements in Listening Module

Make Improvements in Listening Module

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