Business and Money Vocabulary

Business and Money Vocabulary

Business and Money Vocabulary

Business and Money Vocabulary

Shareholder – An owner of shares in a company or a business.

Sentence – In recent years the model’s exclusive focus on shareholder interests has to a degree been modified.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Devolve – to be given to other people.

Sentence – The goal of the welfare bill is to devolve power and responsibilty to the states.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Legal Tender – Something that can be used as an official medium of payment.

Sentence – It was not legal tender but traded at a free price against the rouble, and was informally linked to gold.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Gold – great wealth

Sentence – A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Debt – An obligation to pay or do something.

Sentence – The crux of the country’s economic problems is its foreign debt.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Subsidisation – The act or practice of giving money to somebody or to an organisation to help pay for something.

Sentence – Tax subsidisation of private health care will have moved the market away from rather than towards greater efficiency.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Subsidisation – The act or practice of giving money to somebody or to an organisation to help pay for something.

Sentence – Tax subsidisation of private health care will have moved the market away from rather than towards greater efficiency.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Saving – An amount of something such as time or money that you do not need to use or spend.

Sentence – This represents a saving of £60,000 for the company.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Loan – The act of lending something.

Sentence – It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Grubstake – Funds supplied in return for a promised share of profit.

Sentence – But I’m having trouble finding anybody to put up a grubstake to help me get started.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Wealth – A large amount of money, property etc that a person or country owns.

Sentence – Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Scratch – To make or remove mark, etc on something deliberately.

Sentence – After the breakdown of the company, my friend started from scratch to build his business.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Cost – The amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do something.

Sentence – The cost of these proposed changes makes them unacceptable.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Expense – The money that you spend on something.

Sentence – Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Benefit – A helpful and useful effect that something has.

Sentence – Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Fundraiser – A social event or an entertainment held in order to collect money for charity or an organisation.

Sentence – The invitation design above is the latest project I’ve done for a fundraiser luncheon for Ringling College of Art and Design .

Business and Money Vocabulary

Collect – Get or being together.

Sentence – The survey didn’t collect any information about temporary workers.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Invested – To buy property, shares in a company , etc in the hope of making a profit.

Sentence – The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Usurer – A person who lends money to people at unfairly high rates of interest.

Sentence – Any peasant short of ready money now had to resort to a usurer.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Venture capital – Money that is invested in a new company to help it develop.

Sentence – A venture capital fund usually lends money but also demands the right to buy a big slice of the firm.

Business and Money Vocabulary

Pittance – An inadequate payment

Sentence – No more than a pittance, really, and it made me glad to think about his disappointment.


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