Academic Writing Task 1:-

The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


Model Answer:- (7 Band)

The table shows that the percentage of British households with a range of consumer durables steadily increased between 1972 and 1983. The greatest increase was in telephone ownership, rising from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. Next came central heating ownership, rising from 37% of households in 1972 to 64% in 1983. The percentage of households with a refrigerator rose 2 1% over the same period and of those with a washing machine by 14%. Households with vacuum-cleaners. televisions and dishwashers increased by 8%, 5% and 2% respectively. In 1983. the year of their introduction, 18% of households had a video recorder.

The significant social changes reflected in the statistics are that over the period the proportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thuds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters. Together with the big increases in the ownership of washing machines and refrigerators, they are evidence of both rising living standards and the trend to lifestyles based on comfort and convenience.


General Writing Task 1:-

Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house flat. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter,
– Explain the reasons for the noise
– Apologies
– Describe what action you will take

Sample Answer:- (7 Band)

I have, in today’s post, received your letter pointing out to me about the unbearable noise from my flat. Let me, at the outset, thank you for the frankness shown to me in doing so. I, myself, and my wife do not like much noise ourselves. Moreover, I am very well aware of the fact that there are elderly people in your flat. I am sure you would bear with me when I explain.

A few days back, my sister and her two boys came to our flat from the States with the intention of staying with us for a few weeks before buying a flat in the city for themselves. The boys are excited to be with us; they love loud music and a little noise. Over and above, they have brought in a really noisy dog. You will now understand the cause of the turmoil here.
I have already sent the dog to the Dog Club for the coming days; the boys have been admonished. I am sure you will not have more of the “mayhem” here.

With love and regards,




Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

There is a trend of increasing competitiveness in today’s society. In your opinion, is it a good or a bad development?

Sample Answer:-

It is an instinct of living beings to compete for many things such as food, territory and position. Competition has its advantages as long as it is fair. As justice and fairness are relative terms, there is no consensus on this issue even though, beyond a limit, competition is deleterious to individuals and society, to which, this essay agrees completely.

The primary advantage of competition is the possibility for people to excel in what they do. Ambitious people succeed because they have a sense of competition. For instance, children generally show a tendency to outsmart their peers. This tendency persists even in adults. People who nurture this spirit to competition achieve inevitable success in business and industry.
Another way to look at the issue of competitiveness is how people get international quality products everywhere in the world. Competition is helpful in reducing the price of goods and services. The availability of electronic devices at a very cheap price best illustrates this point.

Contrarily, competition is extremely harmful in some situations. Competition produces desirable results only when it is among people equals. Most often, it is not among equals. The failure of small business organizations to compete against multi-national companies in the new world order gives a goof example to support this argument. Competitiveness may rob individuals of several good qualities such as co-operation and kindness.

In short, competition is a desirable quality as long as it is based on fairness and justice. However, there is truth in what some people believe that, in today’s world, competitiveness is on the extreme.

IELTS Speaking Full Interview:-

PART – 1 Intro Part

What is your full name?
My name is Parminder Kaur.

Can I see your ID?
Of course, here is my passport.

Where are you from?
I’m from Delhi.

Do you work or study?
I am studying as well as working.

What do you do?
I work as a school librarian.

Do you use any mobile devices except a mobile phone? (Why/Why not?)
Yes, I use the tablet of Apple. My sister bought it for me two years back. I don’t need it at workplace because I’ve a personal desktop, so I’ve kept it at home. I watch some videos or check emails on it when I am sitting idle in the evening. I’ve some friends in the USA and Canada, and whenever we are on Facebook, we chat.

When did you first start using mobile phone?
The day my sister brought it for me from Australia two years ago, I got used to it. Before that I used the laptop but the moment I had the tablet, the laptop looked too big in size. This tiny device has left me dependent on it. I am happy with this transformation (= change) though.

Would you like to swap your mobile device for the latest one? (Why/ Why not?)
Obviously I would like to do so. I am the person who stays with the latest technology. Staying with the latest technology is an hour of need (= at a time when someone really needs help) because the new version of the software offers more and better features. Undoubtedly, the technology has outpaced (= go, rise or improve faster than) our expectations but having said that we’ve no choice but chase it forever. I think it’s a bright idea. Another reason for swapping is this tablet was bought some two years ago and now it is aging and worn out for sure. Without giving a thought, my sister bought this tablet with only 32 GB storage. I believe this much of space is not good enough for me. Thus, I am up for a new one with the better storage.

PART – 2 Cue Card

Describe a 3 – day holiday you enjoyed

– Where you went
– When you went
– With whom you went
– What preparations you did

Sample Answer:- ( 7 Band)

I would like to talk about my visit to Mount Abu. Last January, I went to this hill station with my family. Before I begin, I must say that my current occupation is quite demanding. It doesn’t allow me to have more holidays. I had to prepare before one month to organize the schedule of my work. After that I required with different travel agents who offer package deals for families to Mount Abu. I selected the most suitable package with all facilities and we left for the place. We reached Mount Abu in about 5 hours. We then checked in at our hotel, rested for a while and then left for the market. The market is very near the famous ‘Nakhi Lake’. We enjoyed boating at the lake and some shopping of traditional garments and winter wear. We also took some photographs of each other with my camera but he most amusing experience was the atmosphere. The sky was clear and the breeze was cool throughout the day. We took our lunch at a good restaurant at the market only. We returned to our hotel in the evening.
Next day we went out for sightseeing. We saw popular places near the city like the peak “Guru Sikhar”, Bhramakumari’s centre, gardens, the famous Delwada Temples and sunset point. The atmosphere was stunningly pleasant and energizing throughout the day. We then came back and on the third day we took some rest, roamed around people and bought some traditional items from local vendors. After that we started out journey back hone with a determination to visit the place again.
It was a refreshing trip that filled me with zeal, enthusiasm and energy when I returned back to my home. Even today, whenever I see photographs of that trip, I experience the refreshing feeling that I had at that time.

PART – 3 Follow Ups/Discussion

What type of activities do people enjoy on holidays?
It depends a lot on the type of destination they visit. If they go to a seashore, they like sunbathing, swimming, boating, beach volleyball and so on. If they visit a hill station, they go to various peaks and sunset points, skiing, paragliding etc. In short, people like to do something different and exciting when they are out on holidays.

Should we plan our holidays in advance? Is it advisable that we plan holidays in advance so that we may not face hardships of booking, searching for accommodation and food. Usually, we go on holidays to relax and to experience something new. But if we waste our time at such places searching for lodging and boarding facilities, we cannot get relaxation. Rather, it becomes a mechanical experience for us. I have realized that planned holidays are enjoyed better if we go to distinct places because our advance planning of the holidays makes us stress free and relaxation.

Should we prepare a budget before going on holidays?
It is an important aspect of holidays planning. We ought to plan out budget for all events and places. This financial planning enhances our enjoyment. In addition, it also helps us in spending money on required things only because we often feel tempted to buy many trivial things when we are on holidays.

Do you go on holidays on your own or do you hire services of a travel agent? Why?
It depends on the destination I want to visit. If I know the place, the hotels and average rates of accommodation. I don’t hire a travel agent. But if I am planning to visit any distinct place for the first time, I prefer hiring the services of a travel agent.

What are the services provided by a good travel agent?
A good travel agent always offers value for money services. He should provide flexible and economical packages. The hotels offered by him must be safe, well maintained and near the downtown areas. Moreover, travel agents provide a tour manager who can also work as a guide when required.

Are tourist guides necessary during holidays?
Tour guides are necessary only at the places which have historical, religious or archaeological importance. They can explain to us the history linked with the place and also important locations of the places that we should visit.Should we plan our holidays in advance?Is it advisable that we plan holidays in advance so that we may not face hardships of booking, searching for accommodation and food. Usually, we go on holidays to relax and to experience something new. But if we waste our time at such places searching for lodging and boarding facilities, we cannot get relaxation. Rather, it becomes a mechanical experience for us. I have realized that planned holidays are enjoyed better if we go to distinct places because our advance planning of the holidays makes us stress free and relaxation.

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Really very informative and quite nice topic

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Natural answer.thanks

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