Music Vocabulary IELTS

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Adoring fans: People who love a particular band or singer.

Sentence– Justin Bieber have a huge number of adoring fans.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Background music: music that is played while something else is happening.

Sentence– In Bollywood movies various types of background music are played for various scenes.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

A catchy tune:  A song that is easy to remember and makes you want to sing it

Sentence– Old songs from hindi movies had a catchy tune.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Classical music: music that is regarded as part of a long, formal tradition

Sentence–  The classical music has been overtaken by pop music.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

To download tracks: to obtain music from the Internet

Sentence– The access of internet has made the music more popular as anybody can download tracks free of cost.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

To have a great voice: to sing well

Sentence– My friend Ram has a great voice.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

To go on tour: to go on a planned series of performances around a region or country

Sentence– Music is very essential when we go on tour.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

A huge following: a large number of fans.

Sentence– A musician with a huge following is often called a ledgend.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Live music: music that is listened to while it is performed (not recorded)

Sentence– We can get the opportunity to listen live music on radio.

Music Vocabulary IELTS

Live performance: see live music

Sentence–  I saw a live performance of Jazzy B in Melbourne

Music Vocabulary IELTS


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