Must know about IELTS Speaking Test

Must know about IELTS Speaking Test
Must know about IELTS Speaking Test

Must know about IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking test is a face -to-face interaction with an examiner and is mandatory for both IELTS academic and IELTS general training test – takers. Students want to score good marks in this section of the exam and they can easily achieve 7+ band scores if you are capable to speak in English fluently. There are some other factors that you must know about IELTS Speaking Test if you want achieve good scores.

The first thing you should know is the format of the exam and i.e.:

Part 14 to 5 minutesIntroduction identity check, Ques- answers
Part 23 to 4 minutes1min planning, 2 min speech
Part 34 to 5 minutesDiscussion (Follow ups)
Must know about IELTS Speaking Test

There are four key assessment criteria for IELTS speaking?

 Pronunciation, Fluency, Grammar and Vocabulary.

  • Fluency and Coherence (FC)
  • Lexical Resource (LR)
  • Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA)
  • Pronunciation (P)

1. Fluency Fluency describes the ease with which you are able to speak at length without noticeable hesitation, pauses or repetition. In order to be fluent, you should sound natural and be able to convey the right expression so that the listener can easily comprehend your messages.

2. Coherence – This refers to the logical development of ideas, their linking within and between sentences while speaking. The examiners look for ease with which your listener can easily understand and follow your ideas. This is depended on how you link your ideas with appropriate words and phrases.

3. Lexical Resource – This refers to the range of vocabulary used by a candidate. In order to score high, it is recommended that you use a wide range of vocabulary, including less common phrases and idiomatic language, in a natural way. It also explains the ability to come up with appropriate words for specific situation while speaking, so that one’s meaning, emotion, viewpoint, can be expressed properly.

4. Grammatical range and accuracy – This means that it is important to use a variety of grammatical structures accurately, in order to score high in IELTS speaking.

It can be explained as the appropriate and correct use of grammar while speaking, i.e. the use of proper tenses, verb forms, preposition, articles along with the rules of grammar.

It can be explained as the variety of sentences structures that the candidate can show during the exam. The candidate should be able to show that he/she is comfortable with the use of different kinds of sentence structures appropriately and correctly.

5. Pronunciation – Pronunciation is not to be confused with ‘accent’. At the IELTS test you are not expected to speak in any particular accent. You should rather speak in a way that you clearly understood, without your listener having to focus on every word that you utter distancers generally have to put in more efforts to comprehend speech of candidates whose first language strongly influences their second language, i.e. English.

All these factors are very important to know if you want to get good scores in IELTS Speaking test.

Thank You


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Must know about IELTS Speaking Test

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