Myths about all modules of IELTS

Myths about all modules of IELTS
Myths about all modules of IELTS

Myths about all modules of IELTS

In today’s era English has become an international language and is used worldwide in schools or in offices. In the countries where English is not a native language many residents are not good or perfect in the language many of them can speak fluent English but it does not mean that they are familiar with every aspect of the language. To prove the proficiency in the language one has to clear an IELTS test. 

Getting an IELTS certificate is not a hard task to perform if one does his preparation with both hard and smart work. There are some common myths about IELTS that can become barrier for the test takers. So it is important to know about them and in this article we will bust some of them.

1. Speaking:  Many aspirants think that speaking part can be cleared easily and they don’t bother much about it, but the fact is all four module Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing are equally important and should be focused equally.

2. Reading: Multiple Choice questions (MCQ) are considered as the most difficult one in the reading test and many students start shivering to see them. The tip to overcome this problem is to enhance your grammar just go through your old grammar book this will definitely improve your scores in MCQs. Another thing is to remain calm and focused and to be persistent as no one can become master of anything overnight.

4. Writing:  Another myth about IELTS writing is that quality matters and not the number of words. It is normally said if you use heavy vocabulary with an effective idea than the word limit will not be counted. This thinking is totally wrong as the minimum word limit for Task 1 and Task 2 is 150 and 250 respectively you have to fulfill this requirement otherwise your score will suffer. So you should practice to write fast to complete the task in the given time. Here I will like to add another thing that all the modules in IELTS Reading Writing, Speaking and Listening are time bound. 60 minutes, 60 minutes, 15 minutes and 40 minutes are respectively. So to get good score you should manage your time efficiently.    

There are some misperceptions which people make in their minds like at this age I cannot improve my English Language. Well learning anything at any stage of life in not difficult specially the English what you need is knowledge of grammar with good vocabulary. In the IELTS speaking test your voice is recorded and checked for pitch and paralanguage and if you have good hand in grammar you can manage to clear the test.

Lots of people say that IELTS is not tough as quantitative papers and they the exam leniently. But the truth is the IELTS exam not that easy as all the modules are time bond and you have to think a lot about each and every section before answering and all this is not that easy as it seems.

One more myth for speaking test is one have to change his accent to Western accent. Many people try to do this but unfortunately they get their marks deducted because when they try to imitate the western accent either they get short of idea and vocabulary or their pronunciation goes wrong. So it’s better to speak in your natural accent.

At the last I will suggest to give mock test before going for the actual test so that you can understand how the exam will be conducted I am saying this because many of the aspirants think that in the first attempt they will only understand the pattern of the exam.


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