Nature Vocabulary – PART 2

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2
Nature Vocabulary

Nature Vocabulary

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Island – a piece of land completely surrounded by water.

Sentence – The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Desertification – the process by which land changes into desert, for example because there has been too much farming activity on it or because a lot of trees have been cut down.

Sentence – If desertification continues to spread, the dust bowl will not only undermine the economy but also trigger a huge migration eastward.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Volcano – a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava (= hot liquid rock) gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out.

Sentence – The volcano erupted in 1980, devastating a large area of Washington state.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Disaster – great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty.

Sentence – Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Landslides – a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope.

Sentence – The earthquake triggered submarine landslides that dislodged hundreds of cubic kilometers of sediment on the continental slope.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Storm – an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning.

Sentence – During the night a great storm has arisen.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Flood – to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems.

Sentence – Human life,like flood water and do not hear of islands and reefs,it is difficult to create beautiful waves.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Hurricane – a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean.

Sentence – The hurricane flung their motor boat upon the rocks.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Pond – an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made.

Sentence – Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Catastrophe – a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction.

Sentence – Scientists are warning that unless carbon emissions are cut, we could be heading for an environmental catastrophe.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Erosion – the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed by the waves, rain, or wind.

Sentence – In addition, the scale of measurement over which soil erosion occurs affects the measurement itself.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Jungle – a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very closely together.

Sentence – Should you meet a jaguar in the jungle, just turn slowly, walk away. But slowly, never look back.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Oasis – a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town.

Sentence – Some people who manage to write their way out of the working class describe the classroom as an oasis of possibility.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Dam – a wall built across a river that stops the river’s flow and collects the water, especially to make a reservoir (= an artificial lake) that provides water for an area.

Sentence – The government announced the cancellation of the dam project.

Nature Vocabulary - PART 2

Canyon – a large valley with very steep sides and usually a river flowing along the bottom.

Sentence – The sight of the Grand Canyon stretching out before them filled them with wonder.


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