Preparation before the IELTS Test

Preparation before the IELTS Test
Preparation before the IELTS Test

Preparation before the IELTS Test

IELTS exam, an exam that cannot be cracked over night you have to work hard for it. The only thing that matters to get good scores in the exam is preparation and practice. You have to do both these things on daily basis in order to remain in touch  with the material as if you skipped even a single day of practice you will find yourself far behind.  Talking about the preparation, it’s not only to do practice in a similar way every day. You should know the exact way to prepare for the exam and in this article we will discuss some points about Preparation before the IELTS Test.

Let’s discuss what you should do for the preparations of IELTS.

1. Enough studying

IELTS is an English language exam and you are not going to learn English in the last night. So let the quiet knowledge settles in your brain. Of course when I am saying that I assume that you have already done some preparation. But if that is not the case and you are just discovering what the exam is about then you need to learn the main strategies and take one full mock test.

2. Switch your brain to ‘English mode’

You should switch your brain to the English mode because your brain adapts the environment. So, adapt to an English-speaking environment. And watch movies in English.

Moreover, everything is not too challenging. And don’t worry if you don’t understand something. Just accept it as it comes your brain still doing the work. 

3. Visualize your exam

It’s scientifically proven that visualization leads to increased performance. And you should visualize your IELTS speaking exam.

Imagine, how your are entering the room, saying “hello” to the examiner and sitting down, listening to the instructions, one by one you feeling confident, and so on.

Visualization create a sense of familiarity like you know the situation and if you visualize your exam enough then when you enter the exam room you have a feeling like you have been there already. And you know everything which will help to calm your nerves and you feel better during the exam.

Challenge you will face

1. Accent

Accent is the application of phonological rules, sounds and intonations of one language unto another. So, basically it means speaking English but using the sounds intonation and rhythm of your native tongue. Now in order to improve Accent you first have to perceive the difference between the languages.

As you should understand the sound that you actually using instead of the English sound because when there is a sound in a different language. In the case of English that is difficult for you to pronounce and it does not exist in your own language. Then you are most likely to substitute it with another sound that does existing in your language.

2. Multi tasking

Student will be multitasking. They should cover all the modules one by one. While listening module not only listen to the audio but also read the questions and write the answers.

3. Synonyms

IELTS modules are totally depends upon synonymous. A lot of synonyms are used in IELTS test so you should be aware of this. Sometime you are very close to your answer but just because of synonyms you will not find the answers.

Thank you:-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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