Preparing for IELTS? Follow these tips for Listening and Reading

Preparing for IELTS
Preparing for IELTS

Preparing for IELTS? Follow these tips for Listening and Reading  

 If you are an IELTS aspirant and preparing for the test than this article is for you as in this we will share some tips which will help you in preparing for IELTS.

For listening

1. First thing students must do is to listen carefully on whether you are writing down the plural with an “s”. Or the singular. If in the question your answer is “cats”. But someone write the “cat”. It’s incorrect. So it is important to be careful to really listen that is it singular or plural?

2. Secondly practice the test every day. Don’t expect improvement from low level to high level overnight. So, it’s very important to do practice tests. There are many books out there on the IELTS that have practice test with CDs. You can listen tests for practicing. If you do more and more practice tests then your scores will improve.

3. To improve the listening module you need to find the short audio in English about 4 or 5 minutes and its transcript (written text). So first of all you listen to the recording once or twice and try to understand as much as you can then you take the transcript and listen to the recording again while following what’s being said on paper or on the screen if the certain moment is difficult for you the you can pause the recording. If you don’t understand the meaning of any word you can check from the dictionary.

4. Boost your vocabulary as the audios that will be played in the listening sections will be on different concepts and factors. So, you must improve your vocabulary to understand these sections in a better way. Read a few words every single day and use them in your daily conversations.

5. Always, remember, you will only hear the audio once. So if you didn’t hear some words and passed over some questions, don’t worry! Leave them blank and focus on the actual part. Review those questions at the end of the section, otherwise, you will only miss more questions and tangle in the recording. You will need to read, write and listen all at the same time.

6. One more thing keep in mind that, Use this ‘spare’ time carefully to read the questions and survey the page. Get an idea of the context. Find out who is speaking, where they are and what the purpose of the conversation is. Try to predict the type of information you need, e.g. a name, a place, a point of view, etc.

For Reading

1. Reading is easy thing to put off because there is often no exact due date. By scheduling a time each week to do your reading for each class, you are more likely to complete the reading as if it were an assignment. So try to maintain your schedule for reading.

2. Try to guess questions you haven’t answered. This is especially important for “yes”, “no” or “don’t know” questions as the chance of you getting the right answer by chance is pretty high.

3.  Don’t panic about the unknown words which are given in the reading because your whole reading is not depend on those few words. When you read the full line then you can easily understand the meaning of that particular word.

4.  You need to read some books, magazines, articles, newspapers for 30-40 minutes to improve your skimming and scanning power.

5. You need to know about the all criteria about the reading like the types of questions.

Question could be in any form – : multiple choices, list of headings, matching with information, summary, diagram, blanks, identify the locations.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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