Reading Strategies for True/False/Not Given Questions

Reading strategies

T/F/NG questions are designed to assess your ability to understand specific information in a passage and determine whether statements provided in the questions are true, false, or not given based solely on the information in the passage.

Here’s a breakdown of what each response means:

• True: If the statement in the question matches the information in the passage, then the answer is “True.”

• False: If the statement in the question contradicts the information in the passage, then the answer is “False.”

• Not Given: If the information in the statement is not found in the passage, then the answer is “Not Given.” This means the passage neither confirms nor contradicts the statement.

True/False/Not Given (T/F/NG) questions in the IELTS Reading test can be tricky because they require careful attention to detail and understanding of the passage. Here are some strategies to tackle TFNG questions effectively:

Reading Strategies

1. Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you understand the instructions for TFNG questions. Remember that “True” means the statement matches the information in the passage, “False” means the statement contradicts the information, and “Not Given” means the information is not stated in the passage.

2. Skim the passage: Before you start answering the questions, quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea of the content, main topics, and structure. This will help you locate specific information more efficiently when answering TFNG questions.

3. Focus on keywords: Pay close attention to keywords and synonyms in both the statements and the passage. Look for words or phrases that are likely to appear in the passage but may be paraphrased or expressed differently.

Reading Strategies

4. Don’t make assumptions: Base your answers solely on the information provided in the passage. Avoid making assumptions or using outside knowledge. If the information is not explicitly stated, it should be marked as “Not Given.”

5. Check for qualifiers: Look out for qualifying words such as “always,” “never,” “sometimes,” “often,” etc. These words can significantly affect the meaning of the statement and determine whether it is true, false, or not given.

6. Refer back to the passage: When in doubt, refer back to the relevant part of the passage to confirm your answer. Don’t rely solely on memory or intuition. Take the time to locate the specific information that addresses the statement.

Reading Strategies

7. Beware of traps: Be cautious of statements that seem similar to information in the passage but contain subtle differences. These can be traps designed to confuse you. Carefully analyze the statement and compare it with the passage before making your decision.

8. Eliminate options: If you’re unsure about an answer, try eliminating options to improve your chances of selecting the correct one. Narrow down your choices by considering which options are clearly false or not supported by the passage.

9. Read the questions first: Skim through the T/F/NG questions before you start reading the passage. This can help you focus on the relevant information as you read.

Reading Strategies

10. Manage your time: T/F/NG questions can be time-consuming, so manage your time effectively during the test. Don’t spend too much time on a single question. If you’re unsure, make an educated guess and move on to the next question.

11. Practice: Familiarize yourself with T/F/NG questions by practicing with past exam papers or sample questions. This will help you become more comfortable with the format and develop your skills in identifying true, false, and not given statements.

By being aware of these common mistakes and practicing consistently, you can improve your writing skills and increase your chances of success in the IELTS exam.

Reading Strategies


Reading Strategies for True/False/Not Given Questions

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