Score 7 Band with these IELTS Speaking Tips

Score 7 Band
Score 7 Band

Score 7+ Bands with these IELTS Speaking Tips

What to do, what to say, how to leave a good impression, how to nail the exam, how to get the best possible result in IELTS Speaking Exam? In this post, I will share with you nine of the most effective IELTS speaking tips, which will help you to achieve a high band score in the IELTS Speaking Test.Read below all the points and overcome your speaking fears.

Using Fillers in sentences:

Fillers are words like “well”, “you know”, “actually”, “so”. They don’t actually mean anything, but they do give you extra thinking time and they also show the IELTS Examiner that you can use natural English.

Using Linking Words:

Linking words can be used in sentence to join the ideas. For example, “after that”, “because”, “so that”. This will show the examiners that you are very comfortable in your language and deliver long connecting sentences.

Paraphrasing the Examiner:

You need to show your Range and Flexibility in your language by rephrasing examiners question. So, basically rephrasing what the IELTS Examiner asked you using your own words. This will show that you have range and flexibility in your language. If the examiner asks you “do you have any pets at home?”, you could answer: “Yes I have 2 pets, both are dogs”. In Parts 2 and 3, paraphrase the questions asked by the examiner.

Ask for clarification

Not only you will give the wrong answer if you don’t understand the question but by asking the examiner to repeat your or rephrase the question you will also show that you can use language to ask for clarification. So, say something like: “I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand the phrase…” or “What do you mean by…?”

Extend your answers

IELTS Speaking is divided into3 parts. In Part 1 you are supposed to answer in 2-3 lines but never give an answer is just one –two words. In Part 1 of the speaking test, do not give one word answers! Extend your answer. So, if the examiner asks you: “are you studying at university at the moment?” do not answer “yes.” Answer: “yes I am. I’m actually studying economics at Beijing University. I’ve been there for almost 2 years.”

Make note for your talk in part 2

In part 2 the examiner will give you 1 minutes to prepare for your cue card after that you have to speak about that cue card for 2 minutes. Take full advantage of this one minute you have andmake some notes.

Practice for speaking till 2 minutes:

As in part 2 you will be asked to speak for 2 minutes continuously. So, practice at home to speak at stretch for at least 3 minutes. You should always plan to talk for 2 minutes. Many candidates think you only need to speak for 1 minute, but 1 minute will not get you a good score. 2 minutes will give you time to show off a wider range of language.

Be alert: Listen carefully to the Part 3 questions

You need to listen very carefully to the questions in Part 3. Listen, especially, for words like “might” or “would” as these give you clues for how to answer the question. For example, the examiner might be asking you to speculate, or predict, or hypothesize. You can then use these same, or similar, words in your answer.

Stay calm and Relaxed

Just Relaxed and stay calm during the test as the getting nervous will just make the things worse. Don’t forget to smile at the IELTS examiner. This will show that you are confident…even if you are not!


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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