Smart Vocabulary

Smart Vocabulary
Smart Vocabulary

Smart Vocabulary

Chickie – Used as a term of endearment, especially for a child or woman.

Sentence – That night I called every friend I knew to tell them I had met Chickie Baby.

Contact Tracing – The practice of identifying and monitoring individuals who may have had contact with an infectious person.

Sentence – Contact tracing of all clinical suspect cases is being done and 305 households have been administered chemoprophylaxis.

Contactless – Not involving contact (physical and technological meanings of contactless are being used much more frequently).

Sentence – Its main return circuit adopts thyristor contactless switch, so can turn off circuit quickly[Sentencedict], precisely and reliably.

Coulrophobia – Extreme or irrational fear of clowns.

Sentence – They argue that coulrophobia, like too many clowns, just isn’t funny.

Deepfake – An image or recording that has been convincingly altered to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.

Sentence – The committee hearing on worldwide threats cited deepfakes as a growing concern.

De-Extinction – The (proposed or imagined) revival of an extinct species, typically by cloning or selective breeding.

Sentence – The de-extinction of the mammoth could bring about more biodiversity.

Delete – A person who or thing which deletes something.

Sentence – Whenever you delete highlighted text using the Del for Delete key, it disappears from the text editing window into the scrap.

Delicense – To deprive (a person, business, vehicle, etc.) of a license providing official permission to operate.

Sentence – There, the court rejected ODA’s attempt to delicense a dairy producer for unlawfully selling raw milk to consumers.

Denialism – The policy or stance of denying the existence or reality of something, esp. something which is supported by the majority of scientific evidence.

Sentence – Hamiltonstone’s denialism is very common.

Denialist – A person who denies the existence or reality of something, esp. something which is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence.

Sentence – There is controversy over his ownership of the Genocide denialist and a male chauvanist as well.

Destigmatizing – The action or process of removing the negative connotation or social stigma associated with something.

Sentence – If you can do this, then perhaps Wikipedia will lead the way to destigmatizing the Jews.

Droning  – The action of using a military drone or a similar commercially available device.

Sentence – There were cars and aeroplanes droning.

E-Bike – An electric bike.

Sentence – On the other side, E-bike very cheap and if you only drive in city, E-bike completely can take the place of autobike.

Eco-Anxiety – A state of stress caused by concern for the earth’s environment.

Sentence – Growing awareness of climate change is causing some people to suffer from eco-anxiety.

Enoughness – The quality or fact of being enough; sufficiency, adequacy.

Sentence – She understood their not-enoughness.

E-Waste – Worthless or inferior electronic text or content.

Sentence – But a free E-waste disposal trial in the Australian capital received an enthusiastic response from residents.

Forehead Thermometer – A thermometer that is placed on, passed over, or pointed at the forehead to measure a person’s body temperature.

Sentence – TECOS hand-held infrared temperature detector , infrared thermometer, forehead thermometer, H1N1 swine flu detection.


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