Space Vocabulary

Space Vocabulary
Space Vocabulary

Space Vocabulary

Space Vocabulary

Explode = to break up into pieces violently, or to cause something to do this

Sentence – The programme sets out to explode the myth that some delicate tropical fish are impossible to keep.

Space Vocabulary

Explore = to search and discover (about something)

Sentence – A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.

Space Vocabulary

Risky = the possibility of something bad happening

Sentence – The banks made too many risky loans which now can’t be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.

Space Vocabulary

Debris = broken or torn pieces of something larger

Sentence – They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.

Space Vocabulary

Frightening = makes you afraid

Sentence – Frightening cruelties were inflicted on child factory workers well into the 19th century.

Space Vocabulary

Infinite = without limits; extremely large or great

Sentence – This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.

Space Vocabulary

Acclimatise = to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.

Sentence – Dr Brukner spent a month at Melwood at the back end of 2009-10 to acclimatise to his new surroundings.

Space Vocabulary

Fascinating = extremely interesting

Sentence – There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating, people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.

Space Vocabulary

Surface = the outer or top part or layer of something

Sentence – Cookies are spread with white sugar pebbling the surface.

Space Vocabulary

Astronaut = a person who has been trained for travelling in space

Sentence – Now, in practice the astronaut would not drift across like this as the curvature of the walls would be far less.

Space Vocabulary

Collide = (especially of moving objects) to hit something violently

Sentence – Where two continents collide neither experiences significant subduction but some crustal thickening occurs and a mountain belt is formed.

Space Vocabulary

Universal = existing everywhere or involving everyone

Sentence – Perhaps it is the almost universal use of flavourings that makes it so hard to tell the products apart.

Space Vocabulary

Misuse = to use something in an unsuitable way or in a way that was not intended

Sentence – The Red Cross claims that every misuse of the symbol undermines its authority and endangers its members operating in difficult conditions.

Space Vocabulary

Boost = to improve or increase something

Sentence – Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

Space Vocabulary

Hollow = having a hole or empty space inside

Sentence – There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it

Space Vocabulary

Prolonged = lengthy / over a long time

Sentence – Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children.

Space Vocabulary

Rotation = movement in a circle around a fixed point

Sentence – In the first system the rotation of the mouse’s wheels or ball bearing are transferred to rollers.

Space Vocabulary

Fragile = A fragile object is easily damaged or broken

Sentence – The assassination could do serious damage to the fragile peace agreement that was signed last month.

Space Vocabulary

Vertical = standing or pointing straight up or at an angle of 90° to a horizontal surface or line

Sentence – Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the pipette in a vertical position.

Space Vocabulary

Transmit = to broadcast something, or to send out or carry signals or messages using radio, television, etc.

Sentence – These devices process and transmit information to and from many Sources over great distances at the speed of light.


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