Special Tips for Achieving 8+ Band Score in IELTS Reading

Special Tips for Achieving 8+ Band Score in IELTS Reading
Special Tips for Achieving 8+ Band Score in IELTS Reading

Special Tips for Achieving 8+ Band Score in IELTS Reading

In IELTS reading getting 8 bands can be difficult but not impossible. The first thing you should know is that you cannot afford many mistakes in both Academic and General exam as your 35 and 37 answers should be correct respectively out of 40. So you have to be clear in strategies and should practice a lot before the exam. Here are some tips by which you can get 8+ bands in IELTS reading exam.

 How to commence

First thing you should do is me to understand the title of the text as this will help you to know about what will be in the paragraph then read the whole passage to get the brief idea of what it is about and underline the keywords. At the end read the questions carefully so that you can identify that answer of which question is in which paragraph. I think this the most time saving method which can help you to score good score.

Dealing with difficult questions

If you find any question difficult or you are unable to find the answer for it simply leave it and start attempting the other questions. When you finish with the easy one then come back to the unanswered question and try to find with calm mind. This strategy works because at first you are stressed as the time is short but after attempting other questions you get bit relaxed and at this time it’s easier to locate the answers.


Sometime TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN is also stated as YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN so you should write what the question is asking for either TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN or YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN. Aspirants are often confused between False or No and Not Given the easy approach to this is if you find any opposite phrase of the statement in the paragraph then it is False and if you don’t find anything relating to the question then it is Not Given. True or Yes is easy to find as it is clear and can be often find in the front of your eyes.

Write answers in the right places

Write answers in the right place as writing the answer in the wrong place can cut your marks for example if you wrote the answer of question 18 in place of 20 both your answers will be marked as incorrect in this way you will lose two numbers. So be careful about it.

Guessing can help

Sometimes guess work also works but make sure you use it when you are running out of time and there is no option left. As there is no negative marking in IELTS so it’s better to write the answer with guess rather than leaving it blank.

Five exam techniques for IELTS Reading

1. Skim-read quickly. Don’t try to read the whole passage just skim the information you require to answer the question.

2. Identify key words. Scan, Identify and underline the key words like names of people, names of places, and dates which can help you to locate the answers easily.

3. Identify paraphrase. The answers to the questions are given by using synonyms so try to identify the paraphrased information from the text.

4. Manage time. You have to answer each question in 60 seconds and if you feel that any question is consuming more time then this simply leave the question and come back on it after you have completed the exam.   

5. Expand your vocabulary. As synonyms are used in this exam so you should enhance your vocabulary to find the words easily.

Rest, PRACTICE hard, Stay COOL and DO it!”


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