Spelling Mistakes in ielts – 5 Things You Should Do For Spelling Mistakes Success

Spelling Mistakes in ielts
Spelling Mistakes in ielts

The Next 5 Things You Should Do For Spelling Mistakes Success

Spelling are the soul of a language if you spell any word wrong it can change the entire meaning of the sentence is different and you will not be able to convey the desired message to the reader. For example- You want to say” I lose the match” but instead of “lose” you write “loose” sense of your sentence will completely change. So, the spelling should be accurate to convey the massage properly. So, today in this article we will discuss The 5 Things You Should Do For Spelling Mistakes Success.

Does spelling mistakes matter in IELTS?

It is a question that every aspirant wants to know and the answer for this is yes, spelling is very important in IELTS exam. Writing scores are 25% determined by vocabulary, which includes spelling accuracy. So, if there are many spelling mistakes in Listening, Writing and Reading you can be in trouble.

Why do some people make spelling mistakes?

English words have been derived from different sources so some people find difficult to spell them. Moreover, there are some words in which the relationship between sound and words are not regular. Besides, some words are too long to remember or are similar to any other word. Carelessness is another factor as many people do silly mistakes in writing even some have problem in differentiating between A and E. These are the some main factors that hike the graph of spelling mistakes.

What are the most common spelling mistakes?

Let us see some of the most common spelling mistakes in the IELTS exam that students generally commit and one should work on them before going for the exam.

Most Common Spelling Mistakes in the IELTS Exam

Scissors, basically, irrelevant, incidentally, omission, dilemma, irritable, noticeable, twelfth

Weird, miniature, loneliness, cemetery, humorous, criticize, calendar.

How can I improve my spelling list in IELTS?

Language is always a vast concept and it is not easy to learn spellings in a short span of time, but it is not at all impossible as you can learn spellings of English one by one. There are some ways to learn the spellings and write them accurately. Some of them are mentioned below-

Reading various sources

Reading is the best source to improve your spellings as when you go through the matter on daily basis the spelling automatically get embossed on your mind. So, you should make habit of reading books, magazines, and newspapers.

Practice Writing

As it is normally said “Practice makes a man perfect” so practice writing the words which you usually spell wrong. Once you get in writing a word in a right format you will never forget it. 

Spelling Games

To make learning a fun plays some spelling games. These types of games can be easily found on internet.

Remember the Correct Spelling

Try to remember the correct spelling of the words you often write it wrong another way to remember is to resituate it several times.

Write again and again

Writing again and again is another option you can opt. So rewrite the words several times.

How do you correct spelling mistakes?

To improve your spellings you should opt the above said methods or you go with these four steps:

1. Look at the word.

2. Cover the word with a piece of paper.

3. Write the word.

4. Check whether your spelling is correct.

If your spelling is incorrect, repeat the process.

Hope this article will help you to improve your spellings. Don’t forget to write your suggestions and views in comment section.

With Best Wishes!

Thank You @~~

Spelling Mistakes in ielts - 5 Things You Should Do For Spelling Mistakes Success


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