IDIOMS for IELTS Part – 38

IDIOMS for IELTS Larger Than Life: Conveying a sense of greatness, imposing. Sentence – Chris is…

IDIOMS for IELTS Part – 37

IDIOMS for IELTS hit the books – to study, usually intensively Sentence- As an academic, my first…

IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 36

IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 36 Dog-and-Pony Show: A flashy presentation, often in a marketing context.…

IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 35

IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 35 Dance to Someone’s Tune: Consistently follow someone’s directions or influence.…

IDIOMS For IELTS – Part 34

IDIOMS For IELTS A Bit Much: More than is reasonable; a bit too much. Sentence –…


IDIOMS For IELTS Go belly up – Go bankrupt (informal); to break or malfunction, fail or…

IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 32

IDIOMS for IELTS A hot potato- People talking about a current topic which cannot be agreed…

IDIOMS – Part 30

IDIOMS Up-Market –  Relatively expensive and designed to appeal to wealthy consumers Sentence –  an up…

IDIOMS – Part 27

IDIOMS As right as rain: to feel fine and healthy. Sentence – You’ll be as right…

IDIOMS for IELTS (Part – 8)

IDIOMS for IELTS It’s not rocket science Meaning-It’s not complicated It’s raining cats and dogs Meaning-It’s…

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