Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test

Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test
Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test

Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test

IELTS Speaking is a one to one interview with the examiner in which the examiner judges the language speaking ability of the candidate. You can easily get 8 bands in this test if you follow some tips. So, today in this article we will discuss Tips and Strategies IELTS Speaking Test which will help you to achieve your target score easily. 

Judging your Language Proficiency

Many students lose their fluency while focusing on the facts and figures for the answer. The first thing I will like to clear is that in IELTS Speaking facts and figures don’t matter at all. Examiner only judges your language proficiency and he don’t have any concern either its true or false. Yes, it’s true whatever you say it should be relevant to the given topic.

It is a human tendency in common life that if any question is asked we always try to give accurate answer and the candidates always carries the same attitude in exam hall. The aspirants always try to narrate the truth and accurate information as a result they lose fluency while collecting the accurate information. So, never try to deliver exact facts as the examiner will only check your language skills and not knowledge.

Secondly sometimes the situation arises when you don’t have an opinion on something or you may not be able to think of a real example for something that you’re discussing. If you get stuck in this type of circumstances you just create something from your own brain instead of sitting quietly. Keep in mind that it should sounds reasonable and true.

Ask For Clarification

There is another point where the students often stuck are that they don’t understand what the examiner has asked you to do or they don’t understand the question. In these cases, you have the right to ask for clarification but in a very polite way. Understanding the demand of the question is very necessary because without knowing it you cannot really answer a question. It is perfectly fine to ask for clarification of the whole question or even of a single word in the IELTS exam.

You can ask for the clarification even when you understand the question but don’t know what to reply asking clarification will give you some time to think about the answer. This can be a strategy for giving yourself time. Keep in mind that you cannot repeat this strategy very often you can ask only once or twice in the whole speaking test.

Asking for clarification or repeating the question is not at all an offence and you can ask it but in limits. This is necessary as asking is better than wrong answering.

Understanding what the question wants from you

Many of the candidates not even hear the question and start speaking on the topic as a result they speak on the topic which was not asked. Consequently the score gets deducted for not following task response criteria. Until and unless you will not listen the full statement you will not be able to know the demand of the question so it’s better to listen the question carefully and understand it than answer it accordingly. Another thing is to keep an eye on the tenses if the question wants to answer you in past tense than you should not go with future or present. 

Length of speaking

You should speak in length and should not give answers in YES or NO only. Your answers should be in an elaborated form like in Part 1 (Introduction) your answers should be in 2-3 sentences. Part 2 (Cue card) you should speak for 2 minutes but the examiner can stop you before the time if he wants to do so. In the Part 3 (Follow ups) your answers should be of 4-5 sentences.   


Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking test

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