General tips and techniques for the Speaking section

tips and techniques for the Speaking
tips and techniques for the Speaking

General tips and techniques for the Speaking section

It is often observed that candidates face difficulties in speaking module because it is the only section that include face-to-face conversation with the examiner. And, they feel hesitate to explain their ideas. But In fact, IELTS speaking is the easiest section of IELTS to boost your scores. The question always arises, “but how”? and the answer can be in General tips and techniques for the Speaking section.

Speaking interviews are not prompted! I just won’t have sufficient time to plan a satisfied answer. Moreover, I’ll be worrying…….”

That’s true, speaking interviews are spontaneous. However, all the aspirants are worrying and don’t have much time to plan their good answer and examiner are used to that, so they don’t expect you to speak like a public speaker. They don’t even expect you to give very logical and structured answers! You’re only tested on your ability to:

*Speak fluently without taking any thinking pauses and hesitation.

*Use a wide range of vocabulary

*Maintain grammatical accuracy

*Pronunciation _be clear with your words.

_be fluent and liberated

Speak spontaneously. You will gain more points. Don’t worry too much about using clever Vocabulary, it’s important to be fluent. But also don’t speak too fast and mind your grammar. You should find a “Healthy Balance” between speaking too quickly and making long pauses.

_Speak with emotions. Nothing separates the experienced speaker from beginners as tone of the speech. Express your feelings like you would do using your native language.

Be coherent

Use linking words and structures. Words and phrases like however, nevertheless, all in all, moreover will enrich your speech

Give time to yourself for thinking

If you are unsure how to answer the question, you can give yourself a bit more time to think by using this tip. Firstly, you can say:”That’s a tricky question…..”,’I’ve never thought about this before….” Or “That’s an interesting question….” By adding these starting phrases you’ll have some extra time to plan your answer.

Some special tips

Lets discuss some more points that will help you to achieve  better band scores in your IELTS speaking test.

1- Mane the conversation interesting and the easy way to do so is to tell a story. When you narrate a story about something that you actually experienced helps you to boost you confidence and you don’t have to look here and there to gather information and you will find it easier to keep talking. Moreover, stories are also interesting for the examiner!

2- Always add examples. By adding examples you can clarify your idea easily and the examiner understand your views easily and understand the concept you actually want to convey.

3- Take IELTS mock tests and get evaluated by actual IELTS examiners. This is probably the most important tip that I can share. Getting feedback from an examiner can help you understand if you are ready for the actual test 

It’s really important to practice your speech with other people as much as you can. You can work with other students and practice many conversations topics. 

A lot of people just focus on speaking practice and this is only half of the game. 

You need to read too!

Reading is the best way to learn new words and to see grammar being used correctly. 

If you read regularly you will improve your vocabulary and grammar, and then you can speak to put it into use.

I hope this helps you. Next time we will give you some more tips. Remember to practice speaking a lot, but also to read!

Hop these tips will help you in achieving your desired scores in IELTS.


tips and techniques for the Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

tips and techniques for the Speaking

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