Tricks and tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing

tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing
tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing

Tricks and tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing

Below mentioned are some Tricks and tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing. The tips are divided into two main parts, according to the questions of the students:

1. How to manage the time in an IELTS test?

2. What type of vocabulary is required to get high band scores in IELTS writing?

Now, let’s discuss the top strategies provided by our experts:

Some students have the question that how they can keep the track of time? As they always run out of it.

Multifarious Techniques for time management should be adopted, because both the writing tasks are different from each other.

You have to complete both the tasks in 60 minutes. The time limit is same for academic as well as for general training students.

General training- task 1 is a letter

Academic- task 1 is about data analysis

Task 2 is same in both academic as well as general training- it is an essay.

The word limit for task 1 in both (academic and general training) is 150 words.

However, for task 2 students have to write 250 words.

Generally, you should spend 20 minutes in total on writing task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.

General task 1

1. Read the provided information carefully and prepare a blueprint about what, who and how.

– Your tone will be determined by the fact that whom you are wiring the letter to. It would be a formal letter, if you are wiring it to a higher authority, semi-formal, if you know that person but he is not your friend, informal, if you are writing it to your friend or any family member.

– The subject matter of writing- all the three bullet points should be covered by you.

– How you should focus on the beginning and end of the letter and also concentrate on the language and the expression that you use.

2. 5 minutes at the first should be spent on planning the ideas about your writing.

Planning beforehand is the most essential part of IELTS writing. You should have a clear idea of what you are going to write in your letter.

– You should try to use synonyms of different words and try to avoid repetition of common words, such as people, children, students, and many more.

– When you are planning the ideas you should not waste your time in writing the whole lines roughly. You can only write the bullet points instead.

3. For next 10 minutes, write the task without stopping.

– when you are writing the letter at that time, you don’t need to rethink the points, as you have already planned your task, but if you get stuck, you can have a look at the ideas you have noted down roughly.

– If it is difficult for you to remember a word at that time what you can do is just think of its synonym or find any other way o write it.

– Your handwriting should be clear and easy to understand.

– Don’t waste time on counting the words. You should have an idea of the word count. If you will count, you may have less time left afterwards.

4. The last 5 minutes

In the last 5 minutes you should only do proof reading. You should find the mistakes and Correct them. You should check the grammar, spellings as well as the punctuation.

Academic task 1

1. Carefully look at the data you have to analyse.

– The data could be presented in the form of a pie chart, table, map, bar chart, diagram or process.

– Highlight the worth mentioning points.

– Compare the highlighted points- you should compare the different points by using a wide variety of connectors as well as by bringing variations.

– Do not focus much on the details.

– You should focus on the manner in which the data is calibrated (numbers, percentage or tonnes)

2. The rest of the tips for academic task 1 are same as the tips and tricks for general training task 1.

General/academic task 2

1. Firstly, look at the task and decide the type of the essay. There are numerous types of essays- agree/disagree, advantage/ disadvantage, to what extent and many more.

– You should keep in mind that the essays you need to write in task 2 of academic and general training are usually semi-formal, therefore, you should avoid using any informal expressions or language.

2. Focus on your ideas and plan them effectively.

– What the argument is about?

– How many ideas or views you need o present?

– How many instances are required?

– Your own views about the topic

– You should not write full sentences when writing plans at the first, you should only mention the bullet points.

3. You should spend only 30 minutes for writing your ideas on the answer sheet.

Your focus should also be on the structure of your essay.

You should first write the introduction, and then body paragraphs, which could be 2-3 and then conclusion.

In introduction, you should rephrase the statement provided and also write the thesis statement. In body paragraphs you should write your idea and explain it with supporting sentences by giving relevant examples.

Conclusion- in conclusion what you need to do is only rephrase your main points about the essay and write them in the conclusion.

4. In the last 5 minutes you should read thoroughly what you have written and you should find the mistakes and correct them.


tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

tips to get 8 in IELTS Writing

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