Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS

Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS
Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS

Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS

A crucial part of IELTS in which you should be excelled in order to achieve high band scores is vocabulary. Some tips and tricks to build a strong vocabulary are discussed below:

You need to show your understanding of the language which you can show by using high-sounding or uncommon words. These words are known as vocabulary. If you have a range of words with you, it could be the best weapon that you have for cracking the IELTS test. Today we will discuss tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS.

You can improve you vocabulary by following these tips:

1. To improve your vocabulary, what you need to do is to read different articles, newspapers and essays. From this material, when you come across any difficult word, you should underline it and by reading the previous and the forthcoming sentences, you should try to guess the meaning. After you are done with this, then only you should search for the actual meaning of the word in the dictionary. In this way you can develop you skills in vocabulary.

2. You should try to use the words, which you have learnt, in your daily routine. In this manner a plethora of words will be included in your vocabulary.

3. When you find that you use a word often, at that time you should try to find the synonyms of that particular words and use them instead. This will reduce the repetition of a word.

4. Never make learning a monotonous task. You should try playing some fun games related to knowledge. You can play crosswords or word games to make learning an enjoyable task

Ways to tackle the mistakes that are done by most of the students:

1. First one is that, they don’t understand the question well and face problems.

2. Sometimes they do not take a look at the word count and do over-writing.

3. Spelling mistakes and bad handwriting is another mistake done by most of the candidates.

4. A number of students are unable to manage the time.

5. In some cases they directly start with the main point of the essay and do not mention an introduction. Which should not be done?

6. Clarity of thoughts is another significant point, in which numerous students’ lack.

7. Repetition of Words is done, which shows lack of vocabulary.

8. Conclusion is must, whereas, most of the students fail to write it.


If you want to achieve high band scores then you must have an online tutor if it is not possible for you to take offline classes. A tutor will not help you in evaluating the mistakes but also guide you in the right direction. You yourself cannot evaluate your own task, therefore, hurry up and find a tutor for you and get the dream scores.


Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Tips to improve your vocabulary for IELTS

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