IELTS Speaking has 3 parts and if you want to get good score in speaking it is mandatory to do well in all the parts. Today we will give you some TIPS TO SCORE 8 BANDS IN IELTS SPEAKING in all parts of the speaking.

Part 1: No doubt, during part 1 you may get questions related to some general topics and this part doesn’t demand to give very lengthy answers.  You may get questions that only require a very simple answer. The answer may be “yes” or “no,” but you shouldn’t stop there. Always expand your answers with proper and relevant reasoning. Because, as and since can be added to provide reasoning.

Example: “Do you like reading?” “Yes. I am an avid reader/( I love to read )  .I read all sorts of things, including novels , magazines and online articles .”

Do not start giving answer in the same language as of question as if the question is ‘’ do you love cooking? ‘’ avoid saying – yes, I love cooking. Say – I like cooking / I am fond of cooking. Try your best to paraphrase the question in your response instead of simply repeating what the examiner said.Sentence structures could be rearranged along with relevant synonyms, where relevant.

Example: “Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?”

Poor response: “yes , I think it is important to have a daily routine .” (The words and structures are almost exactly the same as the question.)

Better response: “Of course, it is highly crucial to have a routine in order to manage the daily chores.” (Good use of synonyms, but the sentence structure is very similar to the question.)

Best response: Definitely, a proper daily routine is pivotal as it can help to arrange the activities in a most sensible way.” (Good use of synonyms and changes to the sentence structure.)

Do not give answers which are inappropriate according to the demand of question  Don’t allow your responses to wander away from the question the examiner asks you in Part 1.Your answers need not to be very much elaborated ; even 2-3 sentences are enough . When you’ve answered a question, stop talking and let the examiner ask the next question.

In case you are getting nervous, it might be possible that you can give wrong response to the question. You may lose points for this. Also, over elaboration is negative too, the more you say beyond what’s necessary, the more likely it is that you will make errors!

Part 2: Make sure that you will answer all the bullet points given in that cue card. If any of the question is skipped which is listed on the topic card; Otherwise, you will be marked down for missing information.

Stay focused Make sure you respond very directly to the prompts on the page, and don’t discuss unnecessary topics.

How to manage timing while preparing notes for cue card:  Utilize your preparation time to develop an answer to Feature 3 of your topic card as this part of the card requires an extended response with main points and supporting details. Avoid wasting time to write out notes for the first questions (Features 1 and 2). Use the topic card as a reminder of what you ought to say.

You will only have one minute to make notes related to your topic card. So, write simple notes. Even if you allocate more time, your examiner would penalize you for reading responses that you wrote out ahead of time. 

Avoid giving the answers in same sentences as you cannot get good scores by doing so. Make sure you paraphrase anything that is similar to the language on your topic card.

Part 3 : Demand of this part is to answer according to your perspective on a topic .There are no  “wrong” or “right” answers to these questions. What’s more, keep in mind that your examiner is not grading your ideas. You are only graded on your capability to answer the questions appropriately in English.

 There must be a direct answer of the questions of part 3 and answers must be reasonable and logical; however, you are not required to express your “true” opinions. As, you don’t have much time to think during Part 3, it is excellent to go with the first thing that comes to mind. Aim to give response fluently in this part.  That’s it! As much as possible, respond by discussing ideas you know how to express in English so you can display your skills.Try to avoid saying things that you can’t discuss fluently, even if those ideas would represent your perspective more accurately.

The demand of this part is to answer fluently and the most importantly, you need to answer these questions in 4-5 sentences so try to add relevant examples in order to maintain length of the answers .Examples could be from your point of view.

It can lower your score if you have too many long pauses, or if you stuck over a lot of words. By simply repeating what examiner says will not bring a good band scores to you .Thus, during practice, try to focus on your overall skills of English.

The above written tips can help you to gain a few precious seconds to think about what you want to say! NOTE: You must only use these when truly necessary.

Thank You 🙂



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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