Tips and tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing

tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing
tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing

Tips and tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing

The IELTS writing is of two types: Academic writing and general training writing. If you want to study abroad then you have to take IELTS academic whereas, if you want to go abroad for some work purpose then you need to take IELTS general training.

In both the types writing section has two tasks. Task 1 (report for Academic and Letter for General) the common thing between both the types is the word limit which is at least 150 words however, task 2 should include minimum 250 words. This part of the IELTS test is considered as the toughest part so today in this article we will discuss some Tips and tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing.

 There is a general pattern for doing writing section of IELTS, this pattern is described below:

Academic writing section:

-Task 1: In academic task 1 you have to describe a table, Diagram chart in about 150 words.

-Task 2: In task 2 you have to write an essay in 250 words.

General training section:

-Task 1: In task 1 of this section you need to write a letter in 150 words.

-Task 2: In task 2 you have to write an essay in about 250 words.

Ideal time distribution for IELTS writing section is:

You are provided with a total of 60 minutes to complete this module. The time divided between task 1 and task 2 is that you should spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.

You can also complete this task in less time with more concentration. There are some tips and tricks that you can follow in order to attempt this module in an effective and efficient manner.

1. Question should be understood properly: you should understand the question properly. You should read slowly as well as your focus should be on all the words rather than on the full question. Some students score less points in this test because they cannot understand the question properly so do not do this mistake.

2. Plan your answers: you should make a clear structure of your essays and make a plan of it. You should write a proper introduction, body paragraphs as well as conclusion. You should also avoid repetition, which means you need to include a plethora of synonyms in your tasks.

3. Avoid jargons: you should avoid jargons, abbreviations and also the short forms while writing as it can make you lose your points. Don’t forget to avoid slangs as well as the informal language.

4. Remember to take care of the word limit: you should be aware of the fact that the word limit for task 1 is 150 words and task 2 is 250 words. If you write more or less than the word limit then you will surely lose your points. It is obvious that you cannot count the words that you have written as you are provided with limited time, so what you can do is to make an idea that how much space these words occupy in your own handwriting.

5. Basic language: you should write both the tasks in correct basic language as if you will make errors in grammar, or spelling mistakes or if you put wrong punctuation then it may deduct your points. So always be clear with the basic language.

6. Memorization should be avoided: always remember that your answers should carry your own expressions, language as well as understanding. What a number of students do is that they memorize an answer from any social networking site and write as it is in their exam. This could deduct your scores as the examiners are already familiar with such samples of answers. Hence, avoid doing copy and paste.

7. You must do revision: at the end of the test you should be left with sometime to recheck what you have written, this process is called proof reading.   Your test is not completed if you do not do revision at the end of the test. While revising, you should focus on grammar, vocabulary, spellings and accuracy of language.

8. Do not get off the track from the topic: You should remember that your opinion should not illustrate any type of regionalism, religionalism or casteism. Generally most of the students do is that they get diverted from the main point. Before starting to write the task you must read the topic then understand it properly and then plan it accordingly.


tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

tricks to perfect your IELTS Writing

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