Vocab for Line Graph

Vocab for Line Graph
Vocab for Line Graph

Vocab for Line Graph


Vocab for Line Graph

Approximately  – Almost, but not completely exact; roughly

Sentence – The pies have a shelf life of approximately one week.

Vocab for Line Graph

Dramatically –    By a quick and large amount

Sentence – Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.

Vocab for Line Graph

Erratically –         In a way that is uneven or irregular

Sentence – They are erratically distributed around the planet, and the gases they emit vary in outgassed particular matter.

Vocab for Line Graph

Gradually – By slow degrees

Sentence – Gradually the creature was crippled and twisted.

Vocab for Line Graph

Markedly – Noticeably, significantly.

Sentence – The tremor is markedly suppressed by alcoholic beverages.

Vocab for Line Graph

Significantly –   In a way that is worthy of attention; importantly.

Sentence – They expanded their retail operations significantly during the 1980s.

Vocab for Line Graph

Slightly – To a small degree.

Sentence – She hesitated slightly before answering the inspector’s question.

Vocab for Line Graph

Slowly – At a slow speed, not quickly

Sentence – Meat cooks more slowly than vegetables

Vocab for Line Graph

Steadily –  In a regular or even way

Sentence – She had been drinking steadily since the early morning.


Vocab for Line Graph

Climb – to go up, or to go towards the top of something

Sentence – We started to climb the hill.

Vocab for Line Graph

Increase – to become larger in amount or size

Sentence – A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.

Vocab for Line Graph

Improve – to (cause something to) get better

Sentence – Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don’t improve.

Vocab for Line Graph

Jump – to move or act suddenly or quickly

Sentence – The longer and faster your run-up is, the higher you can jump.

Vocab for Line Graph

Leap – tomake a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another.

Sentence – He took a leap over an obstacle.

Vocab for Line Graph

Move upward – to increase in value, number, or amount.

Sentence – After piston reaches BDC , or the lower limit of its travel, it begins to move upward.

Vocab for Line Graph

Rocket – to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success

Sentence – The idea took off like a rocket .

Vocab for Line Graph

Skyrocket – to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success

Sentence – Prices skyrocket, so that price levels must be written in scientific notation.

Vocab for Line Graph

Soar – to rise very quickly to a high level

Sentence – Nonprofit organizations have seen their costs soar, their sources of revenue dry up, and their missions challenged.

Vocab for Line Graph

Shoot up – to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly

Sentence – Price have shoot up during the strike.

Vocab for Line Graph

Surge – a sudden and great increase

Sentence – There has been a surge in house prices recently.

Vocab for Line Graph

Recover – to become successful or normal again after being damaged or having problems

Sentence – Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process.

Vocab for Line Graph

Growth – an increase in the size or the importance of something

Sentence – There has been a gradual growth in membership.


Vocab for Line Graph

Collapse – to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support

Sentence – The collapse of the company had repercussions for the whole industry.

Vocab for Line Graph

Decline – to gradually become less, worse, or lower

Sentence – The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company’s fortunes.

Vocab for Line Graph

Decrease – to become less, or to make something become less

Sentence – There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.

Vocab for Line Graph

Deteriorate – to become worse

Sentence – The second ICU, in allowing the patient to deteriorate, has performed less well.

Vocab for Line Graph

Dip – to go down to a lower level

Sentence – The dip in prices this summer will be brutal.

Vocab for Line Graph

Drop – to fall or to allow something to fall

Sentence – The restaurant has suffered a big drop in trade.


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