Vocabulary For IELTS – Part 38

Vocabulary For IELTS
Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

foster parents = people who have children living in their existing family for a fixed period, with the original parents’ agreement

Sentence- She wanted to live with the foster parents she lived with at the age of two.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

guardians = people who are legally appointed to protect a child’s interests in the absence of parents

Sentence-  Some Guardians pursued the new policy more vigorously than others.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

role models = people that children look to and respect as good examples

Sentence-  There aren’t enough positive role models for young people today, especially for minority groups.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

ground rules = basic rules governing the way people can behave in a situation

Sentence-  We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

conventions = traditions or social norms that most people follow

Sentence-  Conventions can be modified by changes in behaviour or by reinterpretations of the significance of certain behaviour.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

codes of conduct = voluntary rules which people accept in a situation

Sentence-  Several major law firms have recently enacted codes of conduct to delineate appropriate behavior and to ward off official complaints.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

bullying = when children attack and intimidate other children

Sentence-  Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To balance the books: to not spend more money than you are earning.

Sentence– It is very important to balance the books for making a business successful.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To be self-employed: to work for yourself/to not work for an employer.

Sentence– Majority of people is self employed in India.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To cold call: to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first.

Sentence– Sale executive of different companies make cold calls to boost their sales.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Cut throat competition: when one company lowers its prices, forcing other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where business becomes unprofitable.

Sentence– There is a cut throat competition in telecom industry.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To do market research: to do research into what potential customers would or wouldn’t buy.

Sentence– It better to do market research before launching any product.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To draw up a business plan: to write a plan for a new business.

Sentence– Most of the entrepreneur hire professionals to draw a business plan.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To drum up business: to try to get customers.

Sentence– Many lucrative discounts and sales are introduced in the market by big companies to drum up business.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To earn a living: to earn money.

Sentence–  It’s important to do some work to earn a living.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

To go bust: when a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful.

Sentence–  Due to corona virus many business go bust.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a business.

Sentence– Monitoring cash flow is a difficult job.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Attire: The material which covers the body, also known as clothing.

Sentence-   The cultural attire of India is very interesting.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Baggy: Clothing which allows for movement. 

Sentence- Baggy attires are out of trend nowadays.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Balaclava: A piece of material which covers the face with breathing holes.

Sentence-  Balaclava has been banned in our town as the thieves use it to hide their identity. 

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Belt: A loop of material, often leather, used to keep trousers on tightly. 

Sentence- Belt is the clothing item which never goes out of trend.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Boot leg: A wide cut leg on a pair of trousers. 

Sentence-  Boot Leg  really suits my personality.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Boots: Long shoes which cover and support the ankle.

Sentence- I don’t feel comfortable in Boots as they pinch my ankles.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 38

Brand: The name of the maker of a piece of clothing. 

Sentence- Youngsters of my town are brand conscious.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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