Vocabulary For IELTS – Part 40

Vocabulary For IELTS
Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Vibrate – to shake slightly and quickly, or to cause something to do this, in a way that is felt rather than seen or heard.

Sentence – Heavy materials like brick and stone do not vibrate easily, and therefore soon reduce noise.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Inflexible – (especially of opinions and rules) fixed and unable or unwilling to change.

Sentence – This approach proved impractical and inflexible and did not allow for innovation or different national traditions.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To select – to choose a small number of things, or to choose by making careful decisions

Sentence – A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Spotlight – a lamp whose beam can be directed, or a circle of light produced by such a lamp.

Sentence – He stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To illuminate – to light something and make it brighter.

Sentence – At least a dozen lawsuits filed recently illuminate the racial and gender friction within the agency.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Disaster – (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty.

Sentence – The reason for the disaster was engine failure, not human error.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To encounter – a meeting, especially one that happens by chance.

Sentence – If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To emphasize – to show that something is very important or worth giving attention to.

Sentence – All the arguments and counter-arguments serve to emphasize the controversy surrounding this disease.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Innocent – (of a person) not guilty of a particular crime.

Sentence – I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Undeniable – certainly true

Sentence – It was undeniable that low wages as well as unemployment were a major cause of poverty.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Humiliate – to make someone feel ashamed or lose respect for himself or herself.

Sentence – I learned that to humiliate another person is to make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Beautiful – very attractive

Sentence – Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To impeach – to make a formal statement saying that a public official is guilty of a serious offence in connection with their job, especially in the US.

Sentence – The actual market has long been abandoned impeach solar photovoltaic power station roof and network approach.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Hard – not easy to bend, cut, or break.

Sentence – The chairs felt hard and uncomfortable.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Dubious – thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted.

Sentence – His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Reliable – Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect.

Sentence – The manager thought he was a reliable person and told him all about the new plan.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Material – a physical substance that things can be made from.

Sentence – The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Infantile – typical of a child and therefore unsuitable for an adult.

Sentence – Here, in the regressive, infantile wish for the perfect parent of early childhood lies the germ of the police state.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

To imagine – to form or have a mental picture or idea of something.

Sentence – Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 40

Deliberately – intentionally.

Sentence – His words to the press were deliberately equivocal – he didn’t deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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