Vocabulary For IELTS – Part 52

Vocabulary For IELTS
Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

superficial: (of a person) never thinking about things that are serious or important.

Sentence – Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

superfluous: more than is needed or wanted.

Sentence – He can use stock motifs and patterns and superfluous work can be retained to cater for future demand.

surreptitious: done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing.

Sentence – We always assumed it was nerves, or a surreptitious attempt to glance at their wristwatch.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

tactful: careful not to say or do anything that could upset someone.

Sentence – The photograph would, Rose believed, be a tactful way of hinting that she didn’t intend being around so much.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

tenacious: holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way.

Sentence – The storms of Dubai are very tenacious, people can’t even get out of the house.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

transient: temporary, impermanent.

Sentence – The transient nature of the binding may be because this sequence is recognized on account of its structure without additional hydrogen bonding contacts.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

venerable: deserving respect because of age, high position, or religious or historical importance.

Sentence – He duly appeared before three or four venerable gentlemen who lectured him on how to behave in the Far East.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

vindicate: to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong.

Sentence – Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

wary: not completely trusting or certain about something or someone.

Sentence – The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebounded.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

to stem from = to come or derive from, often used for negative things  

Sentence- New chairman Robert Corbett says most of the losses seem to stem from incompetent grain trading.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

sedentary lifestyle = a lifestyle where people sit for long periods and are generally inactive

Sentence- A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise .

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

obesity = the medical condition of being seriously overweight

Sentence- Obesity is a problem for many people in western countries.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

inadequate development = insufficient or obstructed growth of the body

Sentence- If children smoke, this can cause inadequate development of their lungs and brains.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

strain = stress or overwork, physical or mental

Sentence- Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

symptoms = indications that a medical problem is present

 Sentence- The doctor mistook the symptoms for blood poisoning.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

poor diet = a lifestyle diet without sufficient nutrients

Sentence- Poor diet can lead to a whole range of diseases in later life .

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

convenience food = food which is cooked in its packaging, usually in a microwave .

Sentence- The process technology of convenience food made of embryonated egg are researched in this paper.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

addiction = the state of being unable to live without something.

Sentence- Gambling can all too easily become an addiction .

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

to socialise = to meet with friends and other people in a friendly way.

Sentence- They work for the same company, socialise together and worship in the same mosque.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

interpersonal skills = the skills of dealing with people successfully

Sentence- A student can learn much about interpersonal skills through observation of more experienced staff

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

to underperform = to perform below your peers or expectations .

Sentence- Industrial stocks generally underperformed the market, and many cyclical stocks posted negative returns.

Vocabulary For IELTS - Part 52

active lifestyle = a lifestyle with proper exercise and fitness

Sentence- In all ages prior to our modern scientific age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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