Vocabulary for IELTS – Part 94

Vocabulary for IELTS
Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Aspiration- a strong desire to do or achieve something.

Sentence-From an early age, he has a strong aspiration to do his own business and today it is fulfilled.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Autism –a mental problem in which a person finds it very difficult to communicate or form relationships with other people).

Sentence- Her son has autism. So the reading ability has not developed properly even at the age of 15.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Alarming- causing people to feel danger, worried or frightened.

Sentence-The level of ground water is decreasing at alarming rate.  

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

(To) address- to deal with a problem.

Sentence-The government is taking steps to address the environmental issues.


Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To act one’s age- to behave in a mature manner.

Sentence-He doesn’t look or act his age, she has no gray hairs, not even crows feet.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Attainment- the act of achieving or getting something.

Sentence-She was offered the job because his educational attainments were very impressive.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To allow = permit = let

Sentence-People are not allowed to smoke in public area.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Be on one’s way- be going, moving, and travelling.

 Sentence- On my way to my school I saw a beggar, he was in miserable condition .

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Body language- the way that someone communicates nonverbally by moving his/her body.

Sentence- Body language plays an important role in making a conversation impressive.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Be there for-to be available to provide support for someone or to make him/her feel better.

Sentence- He is my best friend and he was there for me when I needed him.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Bear in mind-remember/ keep in mind.

Sentence- Bear in mind the important tips that I told you yesterday.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Be linked to- has a connection with.

Sentence- This essay is linked to economics and biology.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Blend into- to look very similar to the surrounding people or things, so that it is not easily noticeable.

Sentence- His dark coat blended into the darkness.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Barrier- a circumstance, problem or obstacle that prevents someone from doing something.

Sentence- His poverty is the barrier for his success.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Based on- according to; to be the reason for something.

Sentence- This movie is based on true story.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Breakthrough- an important achievement or development that comes after a lot of hard work.

Sentence- Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against corona virus.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To become obsolete- to be no longer used because something new has been invented.

Sentence- The invention of email has made couriers and parcels obsolete.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To be out of one’s depth- something that exceeds one’s knowledge or ability because it is too difficult.

Sentence- The lesson was very hard, and he was completely out of his depth.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To become over-reliant on – to need something too much for your survival or success.

Sentence- Everyone has become over-reliant on technology that we cannot even imagine living without it.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Combination- a mixture of two or more things are combined to create something new.

Sentence- Most students opt the combination of math and physics to grow better in their future.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Catch everything- to understand completely what someone said.

Sentence- I am not able to catch anything of math .

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Come across- to meet or find something or someone by chance.

Sentence- While she was cleaning out her house, she came across some old pictures.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

To be for the better- in a way that improves the situation.

Sentence- These changes in the roads and streets seem to have been for the better.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

Catch one’s eye- to attract someone’s attention.

Sentence- A beautiful dress in the shop caught her eye while she was walking through the market.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 94

(To) compensate- to pay money to someone in exchange for something that they have suffered.

Sentence- She was compensated by two holidays against working on Sunday.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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