Vocabulary for Letter IELTS Writing

Vocabulary  for Letter IELTS Writing
Vocabulary for Letter IELTS Writing

Vocabulary for Letter IELTS Writing

There are two types of formal letters in task 1 of general training, Formal and semi formal. Given below is the vocabulary that can be used in letter.

In formal / semi-formal letters, after the greeting, the purpose of the letter is written and we can use the following lines in it:

I am writing to inform you that …

I am writing to ask/inquire …

I am writing with regard to …

I am writing in connection with …

I am writing with reference to …

I would like to express my concern about …

In informal letter after the greeting we write:

Apologies for not writing for so long, but I’ve been really busy …

It’s been a long time since we saw each other.

I’m just writing to let you know that …

The body of the letter-


I would be grateful if you could …

I would be grateful if you could inform me …

Could you please tell me if …

I wonder if you could tell me …

I would like you to …

I need to ask your advice about …


I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about …

I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service provided by your airline.

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the hotel room that is booked for my stay.


I’m very grateful for …

I’d like to thank you very much for …

I very much appreciated …


I’m very sorry that/about …

Please forgive me for …

I’d like to apologize about …

Please accept my apologies about …


 Could you please……….

 Could you possibly……….

 I would be grateful if you……….

 I would highly glad if you……….

 Would it be possible to……….

 I wonder if you could……….

 Would you be kind enough to……….

 would you mind doing……….


I was very happy to learn that……….

I was very happy to hear that……….

 I was delighted to hear that……….

 I was thrilled to find out that……….

I was glad to hear that……….


If I were you, I’d …

You should …

You ought to …

Why don’t you …


Would you like me to …

I think it would be great if you …

If you like, I’ll …


 Perhaps we could……….. 

 Perhaps you can…………

 I would like to suggest that………..

 May I suggest that…………

 Could you please………..   

 I would highly appreciate if you………..

 Would it be a good idea to………..

 Perhaps it would be a good idea to………..

Giving good news:

 I am happy to advise you that… (formal)

 I am pleased to inform you that… (semi-formal)

 I am delighted to tell you that… (informal)

 I thought you might like to know that… (informal)

 I am happy to inform you that… (semi-formal)

Giving bad news:

 I regret to advise you that… (formal)

 I regret to inform you that… (semi-formal)

 I am sorry to tell you that… (informal)

 I am afraid I have some bad news… (informal)

Conveying regards:

 Please convey my greeting and best wished to your parents.

 Please pass on my best wishes to your wife and children.

 Please give my best regards to your family.

 Please give my regards to your parents.

 My best wishes for your parents.


 I am/was sorry to hear about…

 I am writing to express my concern about…

 It breaks my heart to hear that… (informal)

 I wish I could revert it in any way… (informal)


Expecting a reply from someone:

 I am looking forward to hearing from you …….

 I am waiting to hear from you soon……….. 

 I look forward to hearing from you soon…………

 I am expecting to hear from you soon………..

 I am eagerly waiting for your response…………

 Closing the Letter:

 I look forward to hearing from you.

 I look forward to seeing you.

 I look forward to meeting you.

 I look forward to getting a reply from you soon.

 I really look forward to your cooperation in this.


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