Vocabulary For Map

Vocabulary For Map
Vocabulary For Map

Vocabulary For Map

Perpendicular to – at right angles to.

Sentence – The main road is perpendicular to the train station.

Clockwise – following the rotating direction of the clock hands.

Sentence – Moving in a clockwise direction from the hospital, we can see the new car park.

Along – nearby

Sentence – Along the roadside we can see a new retail area and more office developments.

Map description verbs

Build: to make something by putting bricks or other materials together

Sentence – Three new hospitals were built.

Construct: To build something or put together different parts to form something whole.

Sentence – A new road was constructed next to the town.

Extend: to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer

Sentence – The main road into town was extended by 20 meters.

Expand: to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way

Sentence – The car park was expanded to accommodate an extra 50 cars.

Span: the period of time that something exists or happens

Sentence – The bridge spans the width of the river.

Remove: to take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something

Sentence – The developers removed the old post box near the retail area.


Width – the distance across something from one side to the other

Sentence – The width of the car park is over 100 meters

Length – the measurement of something from end to end or along its longest side

Sentence – The length of the pond is probably just under 20 meters.

Height – the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of being tall.

Sentence – The height of the first building is almost 70 meters.

Depth – the distance down either from the top of something to the bottom, or to a distance below the top surface

Sentence – of something

City / town

Community greens: Shared open green spaces in residential neighborhoods.

Sentence – Amenities in the University District include the Belden Tot Lot and Gesu Community Green and Garden.

Green belt: A policy used in urban planning to retain a “belt” of the natural environment around urban areas.

Sentence – New roads are cutting into the green belt.

Greenfield land: Untouched and pristine land. Fields and forests.

Sentence – This has been largely at the expense of rural and greenfield land.

Greyfield land: Buildings or real estate land that is economically useless. Disused car parks or abandoned factories.

Sentence – In 2006, she also began championing the municipal reclamation of greyfield lands.

Grid plan: A plan in the shape of a grid.

Sentence – The ancient Greeks often gave their colonies around the Mediterranean a grid plan.

Pavement / sidewalk: The part of the street dedicated to just pedestrians.

Sentence – I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.

Roundabout: circular intersection for leaving and entering other roadways.

Sentence – In the afternoons they roamed the countryside roundabout.

Roadside: The side of the road. At the roadside there are three retailers.

Sentence – Children were selling cold drinks by the roadside.

Zone of transition: An area that is moving from one status to another. The area between the city centre and the green belt.

Sentence – This rapid zone of transition is called the upper timberline or tree line.


Bay: small sea.

Sentence – We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.

Archipelago: a group of islands

Sentence – Means big bonfires all over in the archipelago.

Bog: wet spongy ground, swamp.

Sentence – The more she struggled the deeper she sank into the bog.

Canal: man made navigable water way

Sentence – His decapitated body was found floating in a canal.

Canyon: deep, narrow valley with steep sides, carved by a river

Sentence – As he fell, his scream resounded through the canyon.

Hedge: row of shrubs forming a boundary

Sentence – A hedge forms the division between her land and mine.

Moor: open land on hills with shrubs, heath

Sentence – You can moor just about anywhere the bank will take an iron peg or where a mooring ring is available.

Strait: narrow waterway connecting two large bodies of water.

Sentence – The fleet had formed a single column for the passage through the strait.


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