Vocabulary with the word – B

Vocabulary with the word - B
Vocabulary with the word – B

Vocabulary with the word – B

Vocabulary with the word - B

Baleful – hostile

Sentence – He just gives me a baleful look.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Balk – hesitate

Sentence – People may well balk at this and never return to your site again.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Balky – hesitant

Sentence – The heat is balky in the winter.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Ballad – song

Sentence – This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Bane – poison

Sentence – Her brother is the bane of her life .

Vocabulary with the word - B

Batten – fasten

Sentence – I nailed the batten back on top.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Befit – to be suitable

Sentence – Her clothes befit the wedding ceremony.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Beget – produce

Sentence – Great love will beget great faith.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Berate – scold

Sentence – She berated him in public.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Bellow – shout

Sentence – She gave a great bellow of laughter.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Benchmark – standard

Sentence – The valuation becomes a benchmark against which to judge other prices.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Benign – harmless

Sentence – They enjoyed an especially benign climate.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Beckon – lure

Sentence – She crooked her finger to beckon him.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Bard – poet

Sentence – I can be a bard, a philosopher, an actor.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Benediction – blessing

Sentence – I give these children my benediction.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Belie – disprove

Sentence – Her looks belie her 50 years.

Vocabulary with the word - B

Behest – command

Sentence – I called the office at the behest of my secretary.

Vocabulary with the word – B


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Vocabulary with the word - B

Vocabulary with the word – B

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