Want to get Band 9 in IELTS?

Want to get Band 9 in IELTS
Want to get Band 9 in IELTS

Want to get Band 9 in IELTS

Dream score of every IELTS aspirant is band 9, achieving this score is quite difficult but not impossible. Band score of 9 shows that you are an expert user of the language so if you want to get band 9 in IELTS must follow these tips.   

Here are some tips and tricks of listening section:

*”listen carefully” It is very common that in the exam you can hear different accents from different speakers like an Australian speaker or the British accent in the audio clip. And, being a non-native it acts as a great challenge for you to understand it.

This the greatest snag for IELTS Listening module that you are allowed to hear the recording only for once. Hence, it is important to understand the speaker but sometimes it is difficult so, let us discuss that how you can tackle these obstacles and can score decent marks in this module.

# Listen more and more sample recordings of Australian and British accents so that you can get familiar with it.

The only method to overcome this fear is to listen more sample recordings based on distinct accents that are different from the normal English.

Use only pencil and give proper attention to spellings.

You must write your answers to the answer sheet with a pencil not by pen as in case of any error you can easily erase it and write the correct one.

In case, you transferred your answer correct but you spell it wrong, keep this thing in mind that you will be marked wrong and lose your marks.

#IELTS Reading suggestions:

It is often said that it is a very daunting section rather than others as this test need good reading skills and high observation. Let’s talk about how to nourish these two areas.

*you just need to focus on each and every detail. Then take this it to your real life also this will definitely help you to improve your observation skills.

Try to allocate your time in an effective way and read the instructions carefully.

This is the prime factor. Give an equal and reasonable time to each and every question for attempting. To exemplify, if you spend more time on some questions and you have less time to attempt rest of them, it will create anxiety situation.

Before proceeding further, read the given instructions very carefully. You must keep in your mind every instruction so that you can follow it. Many students lose their scores because they don’t follow or forget the instructions. So, don’t do silly errors that may deduct your score.

#IELTS Writing tips.

*In this section, you are allotted 60 minutes which seems to be a very short period of time to express your ideas.

On the top of it, sometimes you come across some strangest topics to write on. So should be well prepared for any situation. It is suggested that you should read different newspapers, books and magazines so that you can get familiar with different fields and can tackle the situation when an unfamiliar topic comes in front of you.

In the test you should first identify the task type and plan your content accordingly. You should write some notes in the corner of the sheet in which you should organize your ideas by writing some keywords this will help you to make a well organized content.

You should practice on daily basis to complete the tasks in the given time.

#IELTS Speaking tip

*Speaking is not a hard nut to crack however the difference is only that you have to speak in non-native English language.

On daily basis, many of us may communicate with people in respective language but this interview with the pro expert evaluator make all the distinction. Therefore, some tips are given below:

Be your own judge – No one can aid you better that you can do for yourself. In this contemporary era, recorders and smart phones can help you to listen your own voice and you get to know about your lacking area.

You can recognize your two grounds:


_Other mistakes

Watch T.V. shows based on English-language so that you can improve your communication skill. There are numerous shows like Wizard of Waverly Place that will surely help to entertain you but also act as a gracious method for improving your communication.

Try to imitate them – Their way of talking, accents and pronunciations. Really, after few days you can observe a great different in yourself. Never try to finish quickly. It may exhaust you to speak for 15 minutes in non-native language.  But trust me it’s the superior way to win the match by hitting your goal.

It will prove better to give your answer fully rather than cut it, in short, to end it fastly.


Want to get Band 9 in IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Want to get Band 9 in IELTS

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