Ways to impress IELTS Examiner in Speaking test

Ways to impress IELTS Examiner in Speaking test
Ways to impress IELTS Examiner in Speaking test

Ways to impress IELTS Examiner in Speaking test

In IELTS, impressing does not mean the tacks and tricks that you use to impress your friends as it can be bit easier. In IELTS impressing an examiner with your content, ideas and body language can be quite difficult. So, here are Ways to impress IELTS Examiner.

1. Don’t use Shortcuts for IELTS preparation

Most of the students just learn some idioms or memorize answers, and even going for test without taking proper training and knowledge of IELTS. They do all these things because they feel that they are too clever to fool the examiner but in reality they make a fool of themselves. Instead of opting all these shortcuts you should know the correct way of preparing for IELTS. Just  improve your English, learn natural English expressions like phrasal verbs, practice a lot, learn and know about IELTS as much as you can and do some practice tests to know exactly abut IELTS.

2. Follow the silent Rules of IELTS

There are some rules that you should follow while attempting the IELTS test some of them are mentioned below-

– You can share some of your life experiences as per the demand of the question but make sure that you should not give unnecessary information about your life.

– Avoid unnecessary conversation with the examiner like there is no need to tell him your score requirement or ask him about your scores in the end of the test.

– Don’t try to be frank and friendly with him and ask him any question either relating to test or his personal life.

 – Length of the answers should be according to the questions as in part 1 your answer should be of 3-4 sentences and in follow ups part 3 you should elaborate the answer.   

– Don’t irritate the examiner by asking him to explain whole questions, as you can ask for only words, in part 1 and that too only once or twice in the test. For asking to repeat you should know the way to ask the question.

– Don’t try to look at the questions the examiner is asking or what the examiner is writing down.

3. Be neat and tidy

In IELTS examiner neither add extra bands to your scores if you are very well dressed and looks smart nor he deduct if you look ugly and stingy. We all know this thing so many of the test takers go for exam in very ill mannered dress. Although dressing don’t have any impact on the scores still if we go well dressed it will make you feel confident and even examiner will feel happy to see you. Even you should sit and deal in a mannered way with the examiner as scratching your body parts in front of him make bad impression.

4. Be Interesting and unique

Examiners usually asks same question to many candidates and you have memorized answers so do others than definitely he must have heard your answer several times before so he will feel bored. Try to be interesting and unique by giving your own answers derived from your own life experiences.

5. Be Humble

You should be humble and there should be no sign of arrogance in you. For this you should not do some of these things-

Be punctual and don’t be late and examiner should not wait for you.

Don’t show off or talk about how rich you are.

Don’t look annoyed or impatient with every question the examiner asks.

Be respectful, listen carefully and don’t be rude at any point.

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