WEATHER Vocabulary

WEATHER Vocabulary

WEATHER Vocabulary

WEATHER Vocabulary

To get caught in the rain: to be outside when it rains unexpectedly.

Sentence– The easy availability of weather forecast has reduced the chances to get caught in the rain.

WEATHER Vocabulary

To get drenched: to get very wet.

Sentence– It started raining cats and dogs and I got drenched in fraction of a second.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Heatstroke: a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather.

Sentence– In summers, heatstroke is a common problem for residents of northern plains of India.

WEATHER Vocabulary

A heatwave: a period of very hot weather.

Sentence– Today is the fifteenth day of the heat wave, with no end in sight.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Heavy rain: intense rainfall.

SentenceHeavy rain is expected today.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Long-range forecast: the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead.

Sentence– Thanks to the satellites we can get an accurate long range forecast.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Mild climate: a climate without extreme weather conditions.

Sentence– There are few cities in the world who have mild climate.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Mild winter: a winter that isn’t particularly cold.

Sentence–  In the southern part the winter is always mild.

WEATHER Vocabulary

Not a cloud in the sky: see ‘clear blue skies’ above.

Sentence– It is bright and sunny today and there is not a cloud in the sky.

WEATHER Vocabulary

To pour down: to rain heavily.

Sentence– It was drizzling from the morning but it pour down in the evening.

WEATHER Vocabulary


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