Where do I begin with IELTS preparation?

Where do I begin with IELTS preparation?

Where do I begin with IELTS preparation?
Where do I begin with IELTS preparation?

Where do I begin with IELTS preparation?

IELTS is a test that checks one’s ability and efficiency and proficiency and most importantly, command over the English language. There are four modules, based on which bands are provided. These modules are: –





One has to be really good in all modules to achieve the targeted band score. Now the question is: – where to begin for IELTS? Firstly, and significantly, know what is your weakest module and what do you find the hardest.

For instance, when I started preparing for the IELTS exam, reading used to terrify me more than anything else. It was rather harder for me to even complete my reading task within the given time frame, i.e. 1 hour. I started to focus more on reading than on other modules and I would say it helped me a lot.

Now, if there is any module out of the four that you think can lower your average band score, then you need to begin right there. It does not mean that you will start ignoring or overlooking other modules but give just a bit more time to the part what you find more difficult. If I have to suggest you on beginning with IELTS, I would initially advise you to go through all the modules, with total satisfaction, without rushing.

Talking about reading, first of all, you need to be aware of the pattern and style of the module, the number of paragraphs and the weightage that each of it contains. After that, you should learn to become familiar with the type blanks, True/False or Not Given and questions that are alike.

Again, going through these questions, you should know where and how to find the answers, you should first see the question and read the paragraph from the very beginning until you get your answer. You do not necessarily have to skim but read a little carefully so you actually understand the context which would help you find other answers more easily.

Apart from that, always mark the number, right where you find your answer so that you do not have struggle finding for answers as most commonly, the answers are given in ascending order. That was a glimpse about reading. Moving on to speaking, you should know that there are 3 parts in speaking, namely: –

Part 1. The Introduction Part

Part 2. Cue Card

Part 3. The Follow Ups

In the first part, you are asked general questions such as about yourself on hometown or your interests. The second part is a bit challenging as the examiner asks you to speak constantly for 2 minutes.

However, you are given a 1 minute’s time along with the topic. A lot of weightage of your band score rely on part two. Moreover further, there is part three, where the examiner asks you some questions cutting out of your cue card. Which you will have to answer immediately.

This module is a face-to-face interaction with the examiner and the candidate can get anxious, but the key for a better score is practice, self-confidence and with it, learning more vocabulary and learning to use complex and compound sentences and more such structures.

The third module we have is writing and it is divided in two parts – task 1 and task 2. In task 1, you will be given graphs, processes and maps to solve with relevant comparisons and analysis.

The main thing that examiner looks for in Task 1 is task response, i.e. how good one is at responding to the information given in the questions. There is a variety of vocabulary in this task that varies with the question type.

Talking about task 2, in it, we are given different types of essays such as argumentative, opinionative etc. According to the question given, we have to write the essay. Task achievement is to be focused on task two for better score. However, even though both the tasks are different, yet the pattern is kind of similar.

Firstly, you have to rephrase and then begin with task. Both tasks demand a rich vocabulary and dynamic approach to solve both tasks, with different sentence structuring.

The last module is Listening, to most candidates, is it the easiest module and they usually carry more band scores because of listening. This module is divided into 4 parts and each part contains 10 questions.

You are given headphones to put on and a sheet to write on, what you hear. They play recordings of lecturers’ conversations and seminars and the candidates have to answer the questions based on the same. Again, in this module too, there is fill in the blanks, MCQs etc. Focus is really needed in the completion of this task.

All in all, to start preparing for IELTS, one has to take all modules hand in hand as they are all equally important. Yet, you have to practice a lot on the particular module, the one that holds you down.

To sum up, it is safe to say that IELTS is a type of exam that checks your caliber and it can be pretty tricky for some, easier for others. There are certain tricks and techniques for each module that, anyhow, helps the candidate to be pretty more accurate and precise along with saving time. One can do IELTS easily with proper guidance and daily practice, if given on time. It might, to people, a very big task but once gotten into it, it becomes easier and comprehend able.


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