IELTS Tips and Tricks – Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2
Writing Task 2

IELTS Tips and Tricks – Writing Task 2

In this lesson, we are going to provide some tips for IELTS Writing Task 2 in the general training and academic IELTS Exam. We are going to just get an overview and an introduction to this task and then go over some tips and approaches that will help you perform better on this question. In Writing Task, there are two task :- Task 1 and Task 2. Task 2 ways more in score as compared to Task 1. You have complete 1 hour to complete both the tasks. So,as Task 2 ways more in score you should take about 40 minutes to complete it as Task 2 is worth 2/3 of your points for the writing paper and we recommend 20 minutes on Task 1 because it is only worth the remaining 1/3 of your points. In-short make sure you leave yourself a full 40 minutes for task 2 just because it’s worth more points and you really want to do well on this question.

Task 2 consist of 4 to 5 paragraphs. It is a formal essay which means that it is going to include things like an introduction, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In Task 2 always have some debatable issue that you need to discuss and you need to share a point of view. There is never a wrong or right answer to these questions, but they are always debatable. You could come out on one side, or the other side of the topic or somewhere in the middle.

Some Tips for Success:

Firstly, when you read the question plan out your answer well. Never rush through reading the question. Instead take your time in understanding the question. Consider it as the most important tip. Reading the question and spending some time on understanding is time well spent.

You really need to read the question carefully. That is well worth your time not to rush through and think you understand the question, but actually to spend a little time making sure you know exactly what they want you to do in the essay. Another key is planning your answer. It is worthwhile taking a little bit of time.

Some candidates use 6-7 minutes of their total time just to plan it. But do this only if your quick in writing.

Learning Grammar and vocabulary

Grammar is the pillar of any language. In Writing your grammatical range will be judged so, make sure you practice it every day and it should be up to the mark. Grammatical range is your ability to use a variety of structures as you write. So, keep practicing till you get a hold on it.

How will Reading help you in Writing Task?

Reading a book, article, magazine on daily basis will help improving your language. But reading, in general, on a daily basis will help your writing and also you will learn new ideas about how to represent your ideas and thoughts.

Learning new vocabulary is extremely important too. When you are reading new article and newspaper every day you come across new words so, make sure you keep a note of all them and then try to use it to your day to day conversation and writing practice as learning new vocab will be only helpful if you use it in everyday life.

So, In-short Reading every day will help enhancing your Writing skills in many ways. So, keep reading any material you get for online or from books and newspaper. Remember, disciple is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Thank You 🙂

Writing Task 2


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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