BEST IELTS General Reading Test 320

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 320


IELTS General Reading Test




1 Hostelites are responsible for keeping their rooms and the common areas in the hostel such as visitor’s area, bathrooms, stair case, and common room etc clean and tidy at all times.

2 All fans, lights and electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use.

3 Cooking, making tea etc is not allowed in the hostel.

4 Common hostel furniture must not be moved without the permission of the accommodation officer.

5 Any damage to the hostel property must be reported immediately to the accommodation officer. Hostelites will be charged for all damages except damages caused by normal wear and tear.

IELTS General Reading Test

6 Pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking, slogans of any kind or defacing the hostel in any form is not allowed.

7 The hostel management reserves the right to make spot checks on the hostel and rooms without having to give prior notice to the students.

IELTS General Reading Test

8 Electricians, contractors or any other service person may enter rooms as and when necessary in the course of their duty under the directive of the accommodation officer. However, every effort will be made to respect the privacy and dignity of the hostelites.

9 The hostel management reserves the right to move hostelites to other hostel units if there is a necessity.


.1 Hostelites are expected to display acceptable forms of behavior, maintain discipline and decorum in the hostel complex.

IELTS General Reading Test

2 Smoking is not allowed in the hostel complex at anytime.

3 Possession, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibited drugs, chewable tobacco in the hostel complex is not allowed.

4 Parties, social or political gatherings in the hostel complex are not permitted without the prior and written consent of the accommodation officer.

5 Hostelites must return to the hostel by 8 pm everyday and are not allowed to leave the hostel before 6 am.

6 The hostelites will be allowed to stay out of the hostel on submission of proper application duly authorized by a parent and only if the permission granted in writing by the accommodation officer.

IELTS General Reading Test

7 A hostel campus should be a place where students can have the best possible conditions for studying and adequate rest. As such due consideration must be accorded to other hostelites at all times. Noise level must be kept low to allow other’s the opportunity to study or sleep in comfort. Television, radio etc provided in the common room must be switched off or volume turned down after 10:00 pm. These rules are intended to ensure a conducive environment for all hostelites.


3.1 Visitors including parents are allowed only into the visitor’s area of the hostel during the visiting hours as follows. Weekdays: (Monday-Friday) – 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm & 7:30 am to 8:30 am, Weekend (Saturday, Sunday) and holidays- 7:30 am to 8:00 pm

IELTS General Reading Test

3.2 All visitors must register at the guard house and provide all details and documents as requested by Security before entering the hostel complex. All visitors must leave the hostel complex by 8:00 pm.

3.3 Hostelites are not permitted to allow visitors of the opposite sex into rooms at any time for whatever reason. Any hostelites found violating this rule will be evicted from the hostel.

3.4 Non-Hostel students are prohibited in the hostel without the permission of Residential Warden. The student who violates this is answerable to the Warden.

IELTS General Reading Test


Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information given in the text?

FALSE – if the statement agrees with the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this’

  1. Guests are allowed to smoke in restricted areas of the hostel……………………
  2. Guests are not allowed to have parties anywhere in the hostelcomplex……………..
  3. After 10:00 pm the noise level of appliances must be lowered………………
  4. Guests should not change the position of hostel furniture……………………
  5. Hostel management cannot enter a student’s room without informing thgem previously…………………….
  6. Parents are allowed to visit their children in their rooms on Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm.
  7. All visitors must show their driving licence or passport at the guard house.

  1. IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text and answer Questions 8 – 14

Long-Haul Flights

A couple of weeks ago, I was reminded of the realities of a long-haul flight – overnight across the Atlantic. My neck was locked rigid and my legs were twisted, shins cramped against the underside of the seat in front and knees jammed against the seat back. Nevertheless, after three or four hours of fitful wakefulness, I managed to drop off to sleep. Then, as they always do in economy, the crew switched on the cabin lights so that they could serve breakfast. It is the most brutal awakening and the nadir of most night flights.

Short of using ear plugs and an eye mask and hanging a “Do not disturb notice” around your neck, I can’t think of a way around this particular downside to long-haul flying. But there are some things you can do. Here are 5 tips to make a long journey more bearable.

IELTS General Reading Test

1. Book a decent seat

Most airlines that fly long haul allow you to select your seat well in advance of the flight via their website. Some have started to charge for this privilege. In BA’s case, it will cost you £25 per seat for return flights in the World Traveller cabin (long haul, economy class).

However, free seat choice and online check-in opens 24 hours before departure. When I checked a couple of virtually-full flights recently, I found that there were still plenty of seats that hadn’t been booked. So, as long as you are well organised and log on at the right time, you should be able to get decent seats. Choosing the best seat to book is the next problem.

IELTS General Reading Test

Bulkhead seats and seats in the emergency-exit row (for which you often have to pay extra) are popular. Seats in the emergency-exit row give you extra legroom but you are right by the lavatory door, and the legroom in the seat nearest the side of the plane is compromised because part of the door juts out. The bulkhead seats at the front of the cabin seem attractive since there is no one in front of you to recline a seat into your space. But it is also the row most often used by parents with babies.

IELTS General Reading Test

2. Fly east to west

This will work only if you are travelling around the world, but it is a strategy worth considering for those flying to Australia or New Zealand, when a round-the-world ticket may be the same price as a normal return, or only slightly more expensive.

If you do circumnavigate in this way, you will avoid the worst effects of jet lag. Flying east to west means that your body adjusts more easily to the new time zone and you can sleep in for longer, rather than find yourself lagging behind the clock. However, the time you gain on each leg will be lost the moment you cross the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean, when suddenly an entire day will be wiped out. Travel the other way and you will gain a day, but lose time on each leg.

IELTS General Reading Test

3. Use a top-quality agent

One area in which travel agents can still give good advice on a consistent basis is long-haul travel. The complexity of possible routings, fares and airlines, especially on a round-the-world ticket, is not something that lends itself well to online systems. An idea or suggestion from an on-the-ball consultant who is compiling itineraries every day could save you both time and money.

4. Pick the best airline

There is no doubt that the top airlines have significantly improved things for long-haul passengers over the past three or four years. Key developments include seats with more space in front of your knees; “wings” on the headrests to support your head; and on-demand seat-back entertainment

so that you can choose what you want to watch and when and can put programmes on pause. But not all airlines offer equal standards of service or the same amount of legroom and, since there is a choice of carriers on nearly all routes, it is worth thinking about more than just the cheapest fare when deciding who you fly with.

5. Avoid peak-time flights

You will have more space, more air, more personal service and a nicer experience all round on a half-empty flight. Since fares vary according to demand, you are also likely to pay less for it. A good agent (see above) will be able to advise on the quietest times on individual routes but obvious times to avoid are school holidays, weekends and Monday – the busiest flying day of the week.

IELTS General Reading Test


Complete the sentence below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or a NUMBER from the text for each answer.

  • The author feels that the worst part of the flights is when the go on before breakfast…………………….
  • Some airlines have started to charge for the………………………….of booking a seat in advance.
  • Emergency-exit row seats have the problem of being next to……………………….
  • One way to reduce jet-lag is to………………………….the globe east to west.
  • Despite online systems,……………………. are still a useful source of help particularly for round-the-world tickets.
  • “Wings” on headrests are an example of recent………………………… seat comfort.
  • You may pay less for an off-peak flight because fares depend on……………………………



BEST IELTS General Reading Test 320

IELTS General Reading Test


  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F
  6. F
  7. NG
  8. cabin lights
  9. privilege
  10. the lavatory door
  11. circumnavigate
  12. travel agents
  13. developments
  14. demand

IELTS General Reading Test

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