BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

IELTS General Reading Test

Medical leave policy of our company

Employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury may be granted a leave of absence for the duration of the illness, not to exceed 6 months. The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and the employee’s supervisor will determine whether the request for leave will be granted. For that, you need to follow a procedure-

Staff who wish to request a medical leave of absence must make their request in writing to their supervisor with a copy to Human Resources as soon as they anticipate the need for leave of absence. The employee should provide Human Resources with the Physician’s Certification Form (available in Human Resources).

IELTS General Reading Test

The Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and the supervisor, in consultation, may choose to approve or deny the request for medical leave of absence beyond qualifying leave under FMLA entitlements.

If the employee is eligible for medical leave through FMLA, the FMLA leave will run concurrent with the personal medical leave. This means that the combined total of FMLA leave and approved medical leave can be no more than six months.

IELTS General Reading Test

Employees on an unpaid medical leave of absence outside of FMLA may continue medical and dental insurance for up to three months by paying the full premium, and after that time through COBRA insurance continuation.

Upon returning, employees will be returned to the original position if the job is available and the employees are able to perform the job. A collective bargaining agreement may supersede this procedure.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Medical leave procedure

The grant for leave is determined by Assistant 15………………………. and supervisor.

Staff who wish to request a medical leave of absence must make their request in 16………………………. to their supervisor

Physician’s 17………………………. Form is to be forwarded to Human resource.

The request is analysed after 18………………………. between HR and the supervisor.

If eligible, the personal medical leave will be clubbed with 19………………………. leave, which can be no more than 20………………………. .

Once the employee has paid the premium, he can avail medical insurance along with dental insurance when he is on 21………………………. medical leave. This facility is available for no more than 22………………………. months.

The procedure is superseded by a collective 23………………………. .

IELTS General Reading Test

Community engagement

Community engagement, also termed citizen or public engagement or participation, is ‘an umbrella term that encompasses numerous methods for bringing people together to address issues of public importance. it provides opportunities for a diversity of voices to be heard on issues that matter to people; helps to generate support, agreement and momentum for public actions; builds stronger communities; and can be a key method to address practical concerns about improving the production and delivery of public goods and services. Citizen participation takes advantage of transformations that have occurred in recent decades in the expectations, confidence and capacities of ordinary people and is a key method for promoting more participatory forms of direct democracy.

Community collaboration can be increased by including these steps in your project-

Capacity building: This includes training volunteers, mentoring and leadership development.

Consistently focusing on engagement: Maintaining a focus on citizenship, community development and promoting social cohesion in a jurisdiction.

Investing in civic infrastructure and community networks so individuals, groups and organizations can participate.

IELTS General Reading Test

Ensuring community engagement initiatives are diverse and genuine in their desire to ask and make use of community input.

Establishing a public policy system to respond to community wishes: Through delivering specific outcomes and providing ongoing feedback.

It is equally important to recognise that citizens may be well or poorly disposed to participate depending on issues such as the urgency of their concerns, the relevance of the matter being addressed, the nature of their previous engagements with government (if any), and their personal qualities and ‘habits of heart and mind’ that influence their disposition to become involved.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

24. Citizen participation through transformation can help promote …………………….

25. Apart from training and mentoring, infrastructure is important for increasing individual and group …………………….

26. Providing feedback can help to ……………………. a public policy system.

27. Personal qualities and social experience help people to decide whether they want to get ……………………. or not.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

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