BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th January

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your name?

My name is Google Chrome.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Google.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What kinds of places are crowded?

Almost everywhere in my city! However, I would say especially the streets. For one, people really like spending time eating and hanging out on the streets. Secondly, since the old streets are narrow, they tend to become overcrowded with vehicles. Moreover, markets and shopping malls are quite hectic, as people in my country enjoy street shopping.

Do you like to go to crowded places?

Not one bit! I start to feel extremely overwhelmed and want to exit the area immediately. Moreover, it’s unpleasant to be pushed and shoved in overcrowded places. Furthermore, it’s even worse in the summer when people are sweating and have body odor!

Why do some people like to go to crowded places?

Hmm, well I guess they like the chaos. For some, it’s exciting to watch madness unfold around them. Furthermore, I think they like the lively feeling that crowded places carry. Perhaps it’s interesting to those who come from small towns and villages.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

The last time I was in a crowded place was when I had gone out to attend a religious procession with my family. Even though I wasn’t keen on going since I obviously dislike crowds, my family made me go with them as it was an important festival for us.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I remember visiting rock garden in Chandigarh last year, with my family. The garden was so humongous and unique that I still remember it. It is a sculpture garden and is completely built of industrial and home waste and thrown-away items. It was started by Nek Chand, a government official in 1957.

He used to collect the industrial waste and the other city waste and created the sculptures from them. The garden is regarded as a unique place and the perfect symbol of recycling. The layout of the garden is that of a lost kingdom. The moment one enters the garden, the small entrance doors which make the head bow, not only creative an ambience of royal but also impart humbleness. One has to pass through a verity of doorways, archways, vestibules, streets and lanes of different scales and dimensions, each one opening into a new array of display or courtyards and chambers lending an air of suspense and curiosity at every corner, at every turn.

IELTS Speaking Interview

An open air theatre and a vast pavilion with a center stage are the other highlights of the rock Garden where art and culture blend amidst rustic and exotic environs of the garden.

Most people go there to visit and see it, it is rather a tourist spot and lots of people come on daily basis.

I remember looking at the garden and being awed by the beauty the garden is made of. No one can say that it is made of waste because they have been put to so great use. It is definitely something everyone must visit during their life time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do people do when they go to a public Garden?

According to me, when individuals go to the public Garden they do some exercise such as running jogging jumping and so on to become fit. With it, some people like to click pictures so they take pictures of natural beauty and load on social media. The old people visit the garden to refresh the mind and body as well as, they also spend with friends and, play cards in the garden.

Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?

Well, I live in a small city and there are not enough Garden but the local government provides 3 gardens in my hometown. My hometown is developing the city with the latest facilities such as CBSE school, water supply, electricity house, banks, restaurants, and hospital. Recently, the local youth club made a wonderful garden and, now all male and female members go to the garden and do exercise. With it, kids also go to the garden and play different games like us cricket, football, volleyball, hide and see, badminton and so on.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How do people of different age groups use public Gardens?

Well according to my knowledge, when children visit the Gardens they feel highly elated by seeing a plethora of beautiful flowers over there. They love to see a lot of plants of flowers in one place. If I talk about young ones then they feel on the ninth cloud by clicking the pictures of natural beauty as well as photographs of themselves with the help of smartphones. But on the other hand side, old age people prefer to visit the garden for doing physical exercise and desert on they sit on the benches and play cards with their friends.


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th January

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