BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st January

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st January

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your full name?

My full name is Fatima Kabura.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fatima.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you prefer relaxing at home or going out in the evening? [Why?]

I usually prefer going outside in the evening. I think the evening time is suitable for meeting friends outdoors and doing some exercises rather than staying at home. I have been doing this for a very long time and if I stay home during the evening, I feel bored.

When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?

I mostly like to walk in a park or spend some time with my friends in the evening. I often take my bicycle and ride it for an hour or so once or twice a week. Sometimes, I go to a movie with my friends and have fun.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How popular is this with other people in your country?

Walking in a park, hanging out with friends and riding a bicycle as part of outdoor activity are common among people in my country. Many young and elders do these often in the afternoon. Families often visit the theatre in the evening and spend some quality time together.

Is there any kind of entertainment you do not like? [Why/Why not?]

I guess I hate to see people wasting hours after hours in front of a television set. I do believe that television is a great media to get news and watch entertaining programmes, but some people are addicted to watching TV and they spend almost 6-8 hours a day watching television programmes. I just dislike this as I believe this time could be better utilised.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Did you have a favourite book when you were a child? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I had a favourite book when I was a child. It was a fantasy novel called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. I was captivated by the adventurous spirit of the main character and the vivid descriptions of his escapades. The book transported me to a world of imagination and sparked my love for storytelling and reading.

How much reading do you do for your work/studies? [Why/Why not?]

As part of my work and studies, I engage in a significant amount of reading. Reading plays a crucial role in expanding my knowledge base, staying updated on current research, and gaining insights into various topics. Whether it’s academic journals, textbooks, research papers, or online articles, reading helps me gather information, understand concepts, and develop critical thinking skills necessary for my professional and educational pursuits.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Every day is unique for me. If I talk about a particular day in a week, then I will definitely say about Monday. Because it’s the first day of a week, and I remain full of beans. This is a very different day from other days because I remain busy performing my household duties and eagerly wait for the mock test that I get from one of my benefactors.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I usually consider that people have more fun and frolic at the weekends, but I consider Monday is a good day to start my work. I do a lot of activities like in the morning time, I do domestic chores as well as teach my baby, but in the evening time, I do my pending work related to my study. I like this day because it fills boundless energy to achieve my target.

In addition, if I talk about entertainment, then I get plenty of entertainment on this day. In the evening time, I watch cartoon shows on the Disney channel with my baby, which is telecast only on Monday, so I make myself rejuvenate by watching those cartoon shows. Besides, I make a resolution about what to do in a week, and for the above-mentioned reasons, I like this day very much.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Which day of the week do you like most?

I love Monday because it’s a beginning of a week, and it fills in me boundless energy to do work effectively either at home or at my workplace.

How can you enjoy Sunday at home?

I enjoy Sunday by watching television, washing clothes as well as making delicious food for my family members according to the choice. Sunday is a very busy day for me as all my family members remain at home, so I look after my family well.

What do families do on Sunday?

Families have great fun on Sunday, like going outside for a picnic, and sometimes they make a plan to go shopping, watching a movie, and the job holders who really like to stay at home and sleep more.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st January

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