BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th July


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Radha Rani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Radha.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like reading?

Yes, I’m definitely a bibliophile (a person who loves to read)! I believe that books are a way to not only escape, but also gain more knowledge. By the same token, people who read tend to have a richer vocabulary and a higher level of general knowledge, so they tend to have more to talk about, and are thus more interesting.

Do you read electronic book?

Definitely yes. I’m a real sucker for e-books as they are portable. I often download my favorite books and copy them to my smartphones or Ipads and when I’m on the bus in other public places, I will take my hi-tech devices out and start to read right on my phone.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What kind of books do you like to read?

I love reading anything that falls under literary fiction. By this I mean authors like Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen and Haruki Murakami. I can’t get enough of Kafka on the shore!

What was your favorite book as a child?

I remember being very fond of a book called “My Sister’s Keeper”. I recall that it was the story of two sisters, one of which needed a kidney transplant. Although the sister was initially apprehensive (scared; nervous) to do so, she ended up donating a kidney to her sister and saving her.

Have you lent books to other?

At times, I reckon. My friends and t are avid readers and would love to exchange books with one another. So, I often lend my books, mostly English books to my besties and get in return some comic books to read in my free time.

Have you borrowed books from others?

As I have said, I have a circle of friends who are bookworms! Which means I’m in the habit of borrowing some comic books from my friends to while away the time during days off or just to catch up on things in the Manga world.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a movie you that recently saw and that disappointed you.

You should say:

– Why did you hate it?

– What genre was the movie?

– When did you watch it?


Nowadays, there is so much content to watch online because of streaming websites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple and so on. As there is so much choice, I am very selective about what I watch. In fact, I only watch something after reading the reviews.

Recently I watched a English movie, Avatar 2. It comes in the science-fiction genre. Its the sequel to the movie Avatar, which was released around 10 years back I watched Avatar with my parents at a multiplex in Jalandhar. I remember we all loved it so much. So, I had high expectations from the movie. This time my parents were busy, so I went and watched it with a friend.

He was also really excited about the movie. We watched the movie on the day of its release. However, the movie was a big disappointment.

The main reason was that there was nothing different from the first part. Its storyline was also not as good. In the first movie, there was a constant thrill and excitement. My eyes were glued to the screen throughout the movie. However, this movie was a very slow. Nothing happened in the first half and although there was action in the second half, it barely lasted 15 minutes.

I think the main reason for my disappointment was my high expectations. I watched the first movie four five times, because I loved it so much. So naturally I was much hyped for the second movie. If I didn’t compare it with the first movie, it was not a bad movie.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What types of movies are popular in India?

India is big country and many genres are popular in our country. However, if I had a pick a few genres, I would say action, comedy and romance movies are the most popular. In recent years, science fiction movies and animated movies have also become popular because of improvement in technology.

Why are Japanese animation movies so popular?

I think its because of their storyline. I personally watch Japanese animation even as a adult and I find that their storyline is quite unique. Their stories appeal not only to adults but also children.

Does the older generation like animation movies?

Most elderly consider that animation is for children and thus they don’t give it a try. There are some really good anime movies and tv shows out there, which even the elderly would like if they try and watch them.

IELTS Speaking Interview


IELTS Speaking Interview

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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th July

IELTS Speaking Interview

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