BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd April


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Yadvi Haridsh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yadvi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you use a watch?

Yes, I wear a watch on daily basis so that I can complete my all the chores on time.

Is there a tradition in your country like bring on time?

Yes, I think it is a kind of tradition to do the things on time because from childhood to do a thing on time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are you usually on time or late?

I like to do the things before the time and if I have to go or visit a place, I like to go there before the time. That’s why I can say I do the things on time and I regard myself to be punctual.

When you were a child did you eat a lot of foreign food?

No, when I was a child I use to eat healthy food at that time my mother always told me benefits of healthy food and she offered me healthy food.

Have you tried foreign food recently?

Yes, recently I have tried hamburger which is a dish from America.

Do you think the food of a foreign country will be popular in your country?

Well, future is unpredictable, though various foreign foods are popular these days, in my nation like Noodles, Pizza, Pasta and many more. That’s why I can say that foreign foods will be popular in my country in the forthcoming year.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a national day in your country.

You should say:

– What day it is?

– How it is celebrated?

– What the historical significance of this day is?

= And explain how you feel about this day.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

As a UK citizen, I find it really awkward to say that this great country doesn?t really have a unique ?national day?, like any other sovereign countries in the world, in order to mark its ?nationhood?.? Rather, it has a number of days of celebration for its ?constituent countries?, such as St George’s Day for England, St Andrew’s Day for Scotland, St David’s Day for Wales and St Patrick’s Day for Northern Ireland. But, since I live in England, I will go ahead and describe St. George?s day as my national day.

Saint George?s Day is celebrated on 23rd of April in order to mark the death of a famous patron saint of England called ?Saint George?. 23rd of April, also known as ?the feast of St. George?, is celebrated by many Christian churches across several countries and their cities of which Saint George is a patron saint.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Historically speaking, this particular tradition started by King Edward lll in the 14th century, even though, the incident took place many centuries ago in 303 AD, when Saint George was executed by decapitation because of refusing to recant his Christian faith. By the way, Saint George was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origins and a member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian.? Anyway, Legends about this great saint started circulating in the 6th century, which eventually made him one of the most venerated saints and megalo-martyrs in Christianity. He has also been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades. ?

Authorities across England fly the national flag to mark this day in a rather sober manner. Some villages put on fairs also, where the English folk Morris dance is performed, and some churches ring out the ‘Jerusalem’ hymn. Some pubs put on a ?themed day? also.

Anyway, I feel that it is great to remember this great saint who had a great role in bringing many Britons under the umbrella of the Christian faith. This particular occasion also encourages many English villagers and their families to unite in a common cause which is really great for the solidarity of our people.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question. 1: What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?

Answer: Family parties are very popular in my country. Most People organize special parties on birthdays and marriage anniversaries. Some young adults give parties after getting good grades in their exams or after being promoted to a high level position.

Question 2: In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do think this is a good trend or a bad trend?

Answer: Yes, wealthy people in my country throw lavish parties to celebrate special family functions. The pictures of their parties are often shown in newspapers. Even though it’s their own money, I feel that it’s a disturbing trend. It promotes discrimination in society and widens the gap between the rich and the poor.

Question 3: Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?

Answer: Yes, there are. Family parties tend to be more formal as compared to parties organized by friends. Social decorum and elegance both are maintained in family functions. On the other hand, people feel freer in the parties of their friends. They normally don’t mind too much drinking or dancing, but in family functions any kind of misbehaviour can create a lot of problems.

IELTS Speaking Interview

National celebrations

Question 4: What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?

Answer: My country has two main national celebrations: the Independence Day and the Republic Day. The Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August and the Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January.

Question 5: Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?

Answer: Some governments spend huge sums of money on national celebrations. If a country is facing problems like unemployment, illiteracy, poverty or poor infrastructure, then people will certainly complain about the money spent on national functions. In my view, the government should focus on the development of the nation rather than showcasing their military might in national celebrations.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd April

IELTS Speaking Interview

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