BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th September


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My full name is Jrarti Yaksha.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Jrarti.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Did you played with toys when you were a child?

Yes, of course. I enjoyed playing with toys as a kid. I remember playing with bey blade with all my gang and having those chats about whose beyblade was the best.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What other kind of toys did you liked to play with?

I loved playing cards, the ones with WWE or a sportsperson in it. We used to collect those cards and then exchange cards, play with them. I still remember, once we had a competition for who has the highest number of cards and I won in it.

In your country, do boys and girls play with the same toys?

If you look at it at a larger scale, no they don’t. Most girls prefer, barbie dolls or the other outdoor games like Kho-kho or I spy. With boys, it is more about video games and collecting cards or playing cricket outside. However, I think there are both sets of people. Some girls prefer video games and bey blade as well while some boys do love kho-kho as well.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you think toys help children to learn?

Definitely yes. There is so much one can learn if it is done right. So, with toys they learn to invent new games. They learn how to play in a team and then how to be competitive as well. These are big words but I think it is these games that help the children realise, once they grow that in life it is the small things that bring the biggest happiness.

I am a little sceptical about it. I think it is not only toys that help but there are so many things that teach a child. More importantly, it is not about toys or games, but about how they play it or with whom they. A pack of card is of no use if the child has no one to play with.

How often are you late?

For most part, I try to be on time, but surely I am not one of those who follow the dot rule. So, being on time for things like meeting up with friends I can be late by five or ten minutes. But, in formal situations like meetings or for flights, I am punctual enough not to cause any trouble.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you feel guilty when you are late?

Definitely yes, if the team had to wait for me, I do feel bad. But, yet again, it is all about the time they have to wait. For me, being late five minutes is not a big deal in informal situations. But, yes, in formal if I am even late by a minute, I feel a little low, because then there are many eyes looking on you.

What are some of the ways by which you think people can come on time?

Well, I believe being on time is just a matter of practice and attitude. So, if every time you are late for the small things that do not matter much, there are more chances that you are likely to be late when big things come up. Also, it is about attitude in a sense, that if you consider the even as important or for that matter the small things in your life important, there are less chances that you shall be late for it.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a thing that has become a fashion status and people buy it for no reason.

You should say :

– what is it?

– why people use it

– do you have it?

– explain how it has influenced people nowadays.


In my opinion, I think iPhone has surely become a fashion status. Earlier, people who could afford it bought it. But, now it seems everyone wants to have an iPhone to prove that they earn no less than others. People often take loans or save for like months to have the phone. Most of them do not entirely know the technology behind it and have it just to have it.

The main reason behind people going for an iPhone is it has got good camera and on that note, they are not wrong. The other good thing about it is that it never catches virus so your data is safe even after years of use. However, I still don’t have an iPhone and right now have no reasons to buy it either.

I-Phone is a symbol of perfection and people who buy it often mark it as a symbol of perfection in their lives.

IELTS Speaking Interview


How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years ago?

Well, I can say that there hasn’t been much change with the clothes I wear now with that of about 10 years ago. I still wear the regular jeans and shirt for casual days or formal clothes on business events. But, I think since the trend has changed, the kind of these basic clothing has also changed for me, especially when it comes to the style of the jeans and shirts. I used to wear straight-cut jeans but nowadays, I wear contemporary style such as slim-fit clothes.

What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?

At times, I think the clothes we wear may show part of our personality or status. For example, clothing may determine the kind of job a person has. For some, it may be a tool for expression. Some could be stylish and fashionable which may reflect their personality as being creative.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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