BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 14th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 14th September


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Rashi Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you work or study?

I am currently studying. I am in the 11th semester and my major is economics.

What are your future study plans?

It will take me 7-8 months more or so to finish my graduation and then I will try to get admitted to a foreign university which has a reputation for better education. There I will complete my Master’s degree and would get involved in a job. Besides doing the job I have plans to get enrolled in a professional MBS course to further my education. If time allows, I also wish to do some research based courses related to my academic background and interest.

What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?

I would prefer to work in a multinational company which will offer me a position related to my academic background and have a positive working environment to learn and explore new things. I would not worry too much about my designation and salary initially but the company must have sufficient scope for career enhancement.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your career plan after you graduate?

For the first few years, I will work in a multinational company. Then maybe in 10 years, I will plan to start my own business. I would like to be an entrepreneur rather than working in a company for the rest of my life. I know being an entrepreneur is not that easy and it requires a lot of dedication and commitment. However, I would work to fulfil this plan after I finish my graduation.

Why are you taking the IELTS test?

I am mainly taking the test to achieve a band score I require to apply in most of the reputed universities in Australia or Canada. As I have my plans to complete my Master’s degree in a reputed foreign university, the IELTS score is a pre-requisite to prove my ability to handle the language – English, and I need the score to even apply to those universities.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe your dream College/University.

You should say:

– Where the College/University is?

– What attracted you to this College/University?

– What courses are you interested in?

and explain why you feel this College/University would be a dream to attend.


IELTS Speaking Interview

The University of my Dreams would surely be the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Also previously known as Ingolstadt University. As the name itself suggests, this University is located in Munich, the capital of Bavaria State, Germany. The chief allure for me is the region and language. You see, I spent a significant portion of my childhood in Germany. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than the German language and especially the culture that it promotes. And I am very lucky in that aspect; I can choose to enter the German taught or English taught courses as per my preferences.

Furthermore, this University specializes in the sciences. Besides being a science student myself, I know for a fact that few can compete with LMU’s excellence and education standards. Likewise, another draw to this University, in particular, is its previous alumni. Namely, the 42 Nobel laureates that graduated from this very Institution. Not to mention the fact that the grounds can be dated back to 1472, which is just fascinating to think about. I cannot even imagine walking the same hallowed halls as my idols!!

IELTS Speaking Interview

As for courses I am interested in, the “Bachelor of Sciences in Computer Sciences” sounds right up my alley. It is a three-year undergraduate degree course in Computer Science itself. In which I would learn about the fundamentals of computer science in theoretical, practical and application-oriented point of view.

Thus indeed, I do truly believe this University is the perfect choice for me. It is highly ranked with a significant international student ratio. Further, the faculty is world-renowned and the results truly do speak for themselves as well. With that in mind, it also helps that the school is state-funded, meaning it has ample opportunities for scholarships.

In the above, I have illustrated my reasons for believing LMU to be my dream university and the course I would want to avail.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do people transfer to a different locale?

There is no single cause for why people decide to move. The most common explanation is the desire to improve one’s economic standing by landing a high-paying job or enrolling in a prestigious educational institution. The wedding or the birth of a new family member also contributes significantly.

Possibly because their current dwelling is too cramped for their rapidly growing family, they are looking for a place where they can have more independence and personal space. However, career and educational opportunities are by far the most popular motivators for relocation. Therefore, when people obtain jobs or enroll in schools that are too far away for them to commute every day, that’s when they tend to move. The sake of a family is another vital factor.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Describe some of the difficulties people encounter when they relocate?

The longer we stay in one location, the more familiar we grow with its layout. This familiarity makes it much simpler for us to find places to buy necessities like food, clothing, and household goods. On the other hand, it can be difficult to locate reliable service providers for a wide range of needs whenever we relocate. In addition, the local climate may present certain challenges to newcomers.

One reason city life isn’t ideal for those used to the country is pollution and congestion. For instance, one may experience alienation and isolation if relocating to a new location with a distinctively different way of life. Making new friends and acquaintances in the neighborhood is a further challenge. People get over these issues by communicating and altering the barrier of differences.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What are the pros and cons of living in the same place? 

Constancy of residence provides a sense of security and stability. Because everyone is well-versed in the process, there is no need to set up the apparatus once again. On the other hand, staying in one area for too long might become tedious and dull. The first and primary benefit is the knowledge we now have of our locality. If we stay in one location long enough, we learn a tonne about its weather, cuisine, and inhabitants.

This information is crucial to our ability to live a stress-free life. Additionally, our friends circle can be expanded. However, the most significant drawback is the ensuing monotony and boredom. Moving to a new location is a surefire way to broaden one’s horizons in every conceivable way, from the people they introduce us to the foods they serve to the weather they bring. Thus, by not changing our routines, we limit the potential for growth and development in our lives.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 14th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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