BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th November

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your full name?

My full name is Wazib Khan.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Wazib.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How is the noise level in your city?

Well, there is a great hustle and bustle in my city because people mostly use their own vehicles to move pillar to post and it is very difficult to get a sigh of relief in this noise.

Where does noise in urban areas come from?

Well, there are many sources where the noise comes from, like from factories, vehicles, the local market, and sometimes the noise comes from the street vendors, who sell their products. So there is a great commotion in the city.

Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?

Yes, it is very important to be alone sometimes because people can concentrate on what they want to really achieve and what strategies they should adopt, and many times, it happens that people are not aware of their aim. So it is best to know oneself when one is alone.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is the importance of belonging to a certain group?

There is great importance to belong to a certain group because if people belong to a particular group, then they are recognized by others, and they can do valuable work for their group. There are great chances of enhancing the reputation of a group in society as it is ever said that unity is strength. So people can avail themselves the opportunity by remaining in a group.

What are the problems you could have if you go out together in a big group?

Well, going outside in a group is a big hurdle because there are chances of a clash among group members. They can be violent, and this can be a threat to the life of others. Moreover, it is difficult to maintain peace in a group.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How often do you take the bus?

Well, I don’t catch the bus regularly as I don’t work outside. If I go to my maternal mother’s home, then I really go via bus; otherwise, I prefer my own vehicle to move from one place to another. It depends on the length of the destination. If it’s too long, then I prefer to go by car otherwise I prefer to go by bus.

When was the first time you took a taxi?

Well, I don’t vividly remember, but if I put pressure on my mind, then it might be the occasion of my cousin’s wedding in Chandigarh. I think that time, I took a taxi from Sector 43 to sector 17. Otherwise, I prefer to go in my own vehicle because it is more convenient than hiring a taxi.

What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses?

Haring a taxi is more advantageous than going by bus because people can conveniently travel in a taxi and reach the destination on time. While traveling by bus is a tiring activity and moreover, there is a great rush on a bus. Sometimes, people don’t get a seat, and it stops at many stations.

IELTS Speaking Interview

IELTS Speaking Interview

Well, I think problem-solving is a universal skill that applies to every sphere of human life, and I would like to talk about my friend Ajaykumar who gave me a smart solution to a problem I was in. In fact, without his help, I would not have been able to get rid of the predicament. With his extraordinary intelligence, he helped me out, and I am grateful to him. Ajay is my neighbor and completed his master’s in computer science.

I have known him since my childhood. I had trouble with my cell phone charging back up time, and I could not get the right power backup as I was supposed to get. Battery draining was a common issue with my phone set. So, I had to remain worried about my mobile phone charging issue. I barely used the phone when the charge was low.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Being an Android user, it is really hard when you have a phone, and you cannot use it. I was experiencing the matter, and I shared the fact with him to get some solutions. He advised me to change the charging adapter and also to install an application to complete the charging cycle. I never thought about it, and to my surprise, it worked extremely well.

It was a clever solution indeed. In fact, I was planning to change my entire phone set. If I did not get the solution, I would have changed the phone within a couple of days. But following the instructions, I was able to get back a better battery backup. I think he got graduated in computer science that might make him throw this intelligent solution at me other than that, and he is always there at my back to clear out the issues and worries that I encounter.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is the difference between the role of a teacher and a parent in the education of children?

Well, to a large extent, the role of both teachers and parents in the academics of students is the same as both of them provide educational enrichment. The parents mainly observe one child, but the teacher observes one child in the context of a group of children. On top of that, teachers make teaching them academic skills such as creating lessons and homework, but the parents try to make sure their children complete the homework on time, provide sufficient amenities for learning and playing moreover teaching social norms and values after school tutoring. By and large, this is how the role of teachers and parents is different.

What suggestions would you give to teachers to improve education?

As far as I am concerned, I’m not an eligible person to point out the weakness of a teacher, but I can say in order to improve the teaching skill the mentor must follow some rules in that the first thing…make an abundance of knowledge in the subject that he or she was going teaching secondary crack some jokes in amidst of the class it will really improve rapport between pupil and teacher moreover making an eye-contact while teaching them and be accessible always. I believe following all these rules will definitely cast you as a good teacher, and one more thing, don’t prejudice every child sitting in front of you is unique in their own way.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is the best way to educate children, in your opinion?

it seems to me, the healthier option to educate the children in a better way is by making them to more participate in the class itself, rather than leading monotonous nature of teaching, engage every child into the class topic make it a discussion section, and it will definitely bring out the energy if young pupil moreover introducing brainstorming sections and panel discussions are way more advanced teaching styles which will enhance the essence of learning in children.

How can we help children realize their talents?

Well, in plenty of ways we can help our children’s to find out their talents. Firstly asking them directly about their likes and dislikes, from that itself the parents can fetch the imaginative side of children. Secondly provides them various opportunities in order to find their hidden skill. The creative aspect is more instinctive in nature, so eventually, the children themselves find it out, and the parents should cultivate and nurture the talent moreover provide background support.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th November

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